Native Lion "fullscreen" support is horrible!

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by KentonT, Sep 7, 2011.

  1. KentonT

    KentonT Member

    Two major issues:

    In Parallels 6, while in fullscreen, a VERY common workflow was to use the "Show Desktop" feature of Expose/Mission Control to grab files, then "un-show-desktop" and drop them into Windows Explorer or onto the guest Desktop. This could be done either by a keyboard shortcut, or now with the 4-finger "spread" (used to be four fingers swipe up in SL). In P7, Show Desktop is not available for "fullscreen" apps. A preference to revert back to the old Fullscreen mode (non Lion) would solve this.

    In fullscreen with P7, when switching back to another "space", then clicking on the Parallels Desktop icon in the Dock, the viewport does not immediately slide to the "space" dedicated to P7. You have to either click on the Dock icon AGAIN, or alternately use Mission Control.

    Both these issues are easily reproducible. Any chance either of these will get fixed?
  2. Tom Collignon

    Tom Collignon Member

    To switch you just have to do a 2 finger swipe to the right. And to go back to mac os you do one to the left. Super easy. If your mouse settings are correct, look under systempreferences under mac os and then mouse,...
  3. Tom Collignon

    Tom Collignon Member

    Just tried to drag a file into windows explorer and it worked just as easy.
    Double finger swipe to the left for getting to mac os, grab the file with the mouse and drag it to the parallels icon in the dock windows full screen shows and drop the file in the windows explorer, easy.
  4. KentonT

    KentonT Member


    Do you mean four-finger swipe? That does indeed work, albeit far clunkier than the old workflow. Also, seems like you're totally out of luck on a regular mouse...?
  5. JesterbeanA

    JesterbeanA Banned

    It's pretty simple to switch if your mouse setting is correct, look under systempreferences under mac os and then mouse.[​IMG]
  6. KentonT

    KentonT Member

    What mouse settings are we talking about switching?
  7. KentonT

    KentonT Member

    Cmd-Tab doesn't work either!

    Also, attempting to Cmd-Tab back to the fullscreen "space" Parallels is residing in doesn't slide you back to that space.
  8. jkwuc89

    jkwuc89 Member

    Under PD6, I could assign my full screen Windows 7 VM to desktop #2 under Mission Control. This allows me to very quickly switch to the VM via the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+2, that I configured under System Preferences. This is not possible under PD7 because its full screen integration with OS X Lion causes a new desktop to be created that cannot be assigned to a keyboard shortcut.

    PLEASE(!!) add a preference to turn off OS X Lion full screen integration. In my opinion, this "feature" is a significant loss of functionality and will prevent me from upgrading to PD7.

    And please(!!) fix the full screen hot corner bug that no longer allows me to choose Show Menu Bar for the bottom two corners.
  9. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hello all,

    Problem is clear.
    Ability to enable old style full screen will be included in upcoming update.

    Thank you.
  10. jkwuc89

    jkwuc89 Member

    Thank you! I look forward to trying the update.
  11. ServerSage

    ServerSage Bit poster

    Full screen with multiple monitors is broken

    Actually, fixing the Lion full screen would be nice too. Did anybody test this with multiple monitors before it was released?

    If I go View->"Enter Full Screen" it switches to full screen in some horrible resolution on a single monitor. So I selected View->"Use all displays in full screen", exited full screen, went back to full screen. Same horrible resolution. So I went into the display settings of Windows 7 pro, set up all 4 monitors to their proper placement and resolution. Thought, "Well, if this sticks it's pretty cool." I then clicked View->"Exit Full Screen", did some other work, and then clicked View->"Enter Full Screen". Guess what! It went back to a single monitor in some horrible resolution.

    So basically, any time I want to switch out of full screen I have to go through the steps of setting up my 4 displays resolution and placement? That seems undesirable.

    Am I missing something basic?

    [email protected] Member

    The problem with Full-screen mode is NOT from Parallels, though I understand everyone's frustration.

    Full-screen mode works very well in lion for SINGLE display setups. Go to dual, things get really crazy.

    For example, launch Safari in a dual-screen setup. Then, Make it full screen. Notice how it acts *just* like Parallels does. The 2nd display is rendered useless. :(
  13. ServerSage

    ServerSage Bit poster

    I'm not sure that's a valid comparison. Safari doesn't have a "Use multiple monitors in full screen" option.

    [email protected] Member

    I think you don't get what i'm saying.

    My point is that "full screen" mode in lion was designed with single display computers. There are no dual-full screen apps that i'm aware of.
  15. ServerSage

    ServerSage Bit poster

    I'm not sure you get what I'm saying. If you add a "Use multiple monitors in full screen" option to your application, you should fully support it and make it work. That option implies that Parallels was designed to work with the Lion Fullscreen API across multiple monitors. It doesn't. It's gimped and broken.

    It would be like buying a car that says "Anti-Lock breaks" but they only work on 1 wheel.
  16. 2nice79

    2nice79 Bit poster

    Tell me about it.....I have been whining about this topic for a month now. And I actually talked to a senior rep at apple about the why on earth they would take features away on something like this. He did not have a reason behind it. However, it is obv that apple was focused on making the laptop user experience better and while doing so, it hindered the multipe destop user experience. It is very frusterating when everything used to work better than it does now after supposedly improving. I hope parallels takes some inititive to fix this if apple doesnt want to......
  17. Tom Collignon

    Tom Collignon Member

    Just like I say it. I am in windows full screen mode (love the new full screen mode, no multiple monitors), I swipe with 2 fingers to the left, open finder take a file and drag it to the parallels icon in the dock, windows opens again and I drop the file in windows explorer.
  18. Cfried

    Cfried Bit poster

    If you uninstall Parallels and reinstall it do you lose everything that you had in Windows? Would I have to reinstall Office, Quicken, etc?
  19. Conflicted

    Conflicted Bit poster

    Add me to the "Lion fullscreen sucks" camp. Under Parallels 6 I could reliably and instantly switch between OSX and Windows with F6. Now F6 only seems to work occasionally and there's some nasty slide in animation (I don't know if that's Parallels or OSX.)

    Also Parallels 7 just feels slower - boot is slower, I get black icons in Windows, I can't enable Aero in Windows. If this is representative of everyone's experiences this release shouldn't have made it past QA. When is the update expected?

    Can I go back to Parallels 6 without losing anything?

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Thanks for the fix

    Hi, I just downloaded the latest update that fixes this.

    Thanks very much for fixing this. It is much more usable for me the "old" way. Lion is now officially usable for my work.

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