I was trying to buy your Desctop6 on-line

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by SerMont, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. SerMont

    SerMont Member

    I have the same problem.
    I was trying to buy your Desctop6 on-line. I two times filled
    your form (yesterday and today). But I still didn't receive your
    reply. I already called to 18004064966. But they send me back to parallels customer service. But parallels don't answer again. I can't understand what is it? I just want to buy your product no more. Please help me. My name is Sergey from Montreal, Canada
  2. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Hello, as I see no tickets were submitted by you.

    Please make sure you follow the next steps:

    open www.parallels.com/support/request

    choose Customer Service and Licensing > pre-sales questions

    I see your order is in pending payment status which means for some reason payment was not delivered from PayPal account. I requested our order processing partner to clear your information in their system to let you place a new order without any issues. Please attempt a new order with Credit Card in 24 hours.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011
  3. SerMont

    SerMont Member


    First, Please remove my Email from your message to prevent spam.
    Secondly, Does mean you don't work with Paypal?
    In general, Paypal is better for me. I use it allways and everywhere to safe
    my credit card. Let me know please if I can't use Paypal with Parallels

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