how to contact sales? Crashed order process.

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by anthonyfca, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. anthonyfca

    anthonyfca Bit poster

    Anyne know how to contact parallels or even if this is possible?
    I have an order number and yet no order that appears valid, I suspect the server crashed in the order payment process, despite assuring me I have a valid order.

    Ideas welcome as none of the contact methods work.


  2. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Hello, Mr. Mellor, thank you for the information. I checked your order, it indeed failed. I will post back to this thread once i receive confirmation from our order processing partner Digital River that information regarding your failed order has been cleared so that you could place a new one. You have not been charged for this order. Until I have an update from Digital River please do not attempt any new orders.
  3. anthonyfca

    anthonyfca Bit poster

    thank you madame - sorry I did try another order in case it was a one off failure, but that failed too so I await yur orders, as it were.
    Thank your your quick response, somewhat of a releif after spending ages struggling to find a point of contact.

    These were paypal payments, but I can confirm the first was not charged and I presume neither was the second when last I checked.

    Anthony Mellor
  4. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Thank you for your kind reply. Please be informed that you alway may contact Parallels customer or technical support by submitting online form at: > Support> Created Support Request

    or directly at:

    and one of our engineers will assist you.

    I still do not have any confirmation from Digital River. I will immediately let you know once I have any updates. Thank you so much for your patience and cooperation!
  5. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Dear Mr. Mellor, Digital River confirmed that required adjustments have been implemented in their system. Now you are welcome to place a new order. Just remember that to place an order, the billing address used and the IP address have to be located in the same country. This is a fraud-prevention measure that we are unable to circumvent.

    Please let us know if the issue persists by submitting support request at

    Thank you for understanding.
  6. anthonyfca

    anthonyfca Bit poster

    am I supposed to take an international flight so I can use my credit card or paypal account?

    Bit daft don't you think? More like sales prevention measure if you ask me - especially as there is no warning and the system simply crashed giving me confirmations etc that all is well.

    Anyhow I'll try again and see what happens.

    I tried all the support web pages and I was rejected from all of them because I am pre purchase with a payment processing issue, and there is noweher for such issues to be addressed, except here and your good self, by chance.

    Thanks for being there.

  7. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Anthony, thank you for the information.

    If you go to

    and choose that your issue related to customer service and licensing > pre-sales question, then you will be redirected to issue description. No need to enter activation code or support code.

    What about purchase process, just make sure your CC issued in the same country you are currently located. If not, please try to use another payment method (Wire Transfer/PayPal)
  8. anthonyfca

    anthonyfca Bit poster

    I was using paypal. (!!)

    Believe me, you need to destress your sales order process for customers, this is not the first time I have been unable to find any support at time of purchase. There is a certain "arrogance" in the web site design in that Parallels assumes they know every issue and we need to read a graet deal of text and click various pages - I have been on the internet since .. I forget (!) over two decades, and if I have a problem, you can be reasonably sure you haven't thought of it.

    To be simple and direct: I am begging you not to hide away the sales support button. It is not difficult, but in fact impossible to find. I know, I have spent a great deal of time looking, more than once.

    I do not want more guidance about how to find help. I desire Parallels to accept feedback and fix the issue of no apparent support.

    Forgive me being blunt, but I have to drive through all the "help". I do not need or want help. I want to buy product and if there is a problem in the process, to find customer service immediately - human form, not mor epages to read.

    This matter is less stressful only than navigating one's way through telephone menus written by people who do not have to use them - one has to presume.

    Thank you for allowing me to share my deep frustration - the first rule of sales is nto make purchase easy. It is not.


  9. anthonyfca

    anthonyfca Bit poster

    ps I cannot see a preview button so I can check what I have written before submisison, is there one? It might allow me to ramble and rant a bit less.

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