Kernel panics with 10.7.1 and Parallels 6.0.12094

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Blake Sobiloff, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hello EkapolT,

    It is Apple' kernel crash occurred at deleting a mapping of some buffer, called from Problem doesn't look Parallels related.

    I sent you the stack in a private message.
  2. EkapolT

    EkapolT Junior Member

    It might be Apple fault but as I said. But it ONLY happened when starting Parallels VM. On the clean install of Lion and PD6.

    Everytime it occure I always send crash report to Apple on the next boot.

    So it looks like we gonna live with this crash for sometime. :(
  3. GWCTas

    GWCTas Bit poster

    I have just sent in a support ticket Parallels #1201866 as I am getting these kernel panics on iMac mid 2011 i7 with 16gb RAM and Windows 7 64bit. I have the latest version of Parallels 6.0.12094 revision 676494.
    I have been in constant touch with Apple since I have had this machine (my first Mac) it's had a recall for a HDD replacement and some other issues. I now have a direct support number to a "pro" support member. I just need to know if this is a Parallels or Mac problem so I don't get the run around when I call Apple back. The kernel panic report is attached.


    Attached Files:

  4. EkapolT

    EkapolT Junior Member

    Look like most affected are mid-2011 iMacs both 21.5" and 27" model. But not all of the new iMacs are affected. I personally have 2 mid-2011 iMacs and only one have the problem. Even when I start fresh. (erase entire Mac HDD and reinstall Lion from DVD without restore from time machine)

    Will try Parallels 7 and report back. I eligible for free update since I brought PD6 on Aug 3 but I don't have PD7 activation key yet.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  5. GWCTas

    GWCTas Bit poster

    I have done a complete clean install of all apps etc and the problem still persists. I need to know if it is the iMac or Parallels?

  6. EkapolT

    EkapolT Junior Member

    It hard to point the blame to Parallels or Apple.

    The fact is this problem ONLY happens when PD6 start. Lion never crash on me when I use other program.

    It might be the fault in Apple side but anyway, Parallels should try to figure it out by themselves or coordinate with Apple to fix on their part.

    Still wait for my PD7 key. Hope that PD7 might not have this problem.
  7. RamonaA

    RamonaA Bit poster

    same problem on 2009 iMac

    I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what is causing the kernel panics on my early 2009 iMac. It started BEFORE I did the upgrade to Lion, but did seem to coincide with a Parallels update.

    I have a two Macbook Pros running parallels and have had no issues on those computers. Both are running Lion and the current version of Parallels. I have WinXp on all computers.

    I ran the hardware test both fast and extended several times and it showed no errors with memory or hard drive. I repaired disk permissions and checked the drive. Then, I upgraded memory to 8GB, then I wiped the hard drive and did a clean install of Lion. Everything seemed to be running fine till I restored my virtual machine and opened windows.

    The odd thing with mine is that it seems to be related to using video in Mac mode. When it would hang would be if I happened to open a site with Safari that had a video like YouTube or a yahoo news site that had a video clip.

    I have sent panic reports to Apple, but didn't connect it to Parallels. I have read that there is a firmware support for the 27in iMacs, but not for the older ones. I have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 130 512mb graphics card.

    I called Apple hardware support and they said to take the computer to the Apple store. I don't really want to spend the money to do this since I think it is software related.

    It's really making me nuts...I don't want to buy a new computer right now...
  8. tomdev

    tomdev Bit poster

    I also have repeated kernel panics with the software versions listed above.I am win7 64bit also.

    I raised the issue here but didn't get much useful feedback:

    I really hope this gets fixed soon, Kernel panics are not a good thing to have happen on a regular basis.

    A hunch I have is this has something to do with connecting USB devices. The KP sometimes coincides with resuming a suspended VM that has recently had a USB removed
  9. seangreen

    seangreen Bit poster

    Same here...

    I also get kernel panics, when starting a VM with Win7.

    I'm on a MacbookPro, OSX 10.7.1, 64bit.

  10. seangreen

    seangreen Bit poster

    Even worse..

    It get's even worse.

    I don't even have to run parallels to get the kernel panics...
    Somehow the kernel processes are still running, even though Parallels is not on.

    So my machine will crash and in the crash report I see that the topmost kext processes are parallels.
    The machine has only started crashing, since I started parallels for the first time after my lion install... so it's obvious that Parallels is the culprit.

    Sooo... I guess I'll have to uninstall Parallels, unless a solution is soon found..
    Maybe a offer for a cheaper (or free) upgrade to v7 is in order, for those of us, that experience these kernel panics?

    I surely don't want to pay 49$.. I want my Parallels 6 to work the way it should on Lion.

  11. CaseyC

    CaseyC Member

    I think it's safe to say that this is a problem on Parallels' end. As I am using this for business, I can write it off as an expense, so I upgraded to Parallels Desktop 7, and the problem has magically disappeared. So the sequence of events is as follows:

    1) Install Parallels Desktop 6 on Snow Leopard
    2) Joyful bliss using Windows VM on iMac
    3) Upgrade to Lion
    4) iMac begins crashing when VM is launched
    5) Upgraded to Parallels Desktop 7
    6) Crashing stops

    It's almost unbelievable that Parallels staff would suggest that it has nothing to do with Parallels.
  12. EkapolT

    EkapolT Junior Member

    Glad to here that PD7 fix this bug. Waiting for my free key since I just bought PD6 in August.

    But Parallels should fix PD6 instead of forcing its own customer to upgrade.
  13. seangreen

    seangreen Bit poster

    Maybe the Grafics Card..

    Hi All.

    Well - I had to downgrade to SnowLeopard, because my kernel panics wouldn't go away.

    But I didn't only have problems with Parallels, but also with Photoshop, as I found out after posting here.
    So my main problem wasn't with Parallels itself, but - as it seems - with the two graphics cards included in the MacbookPro... so it's an Apple problem.

    I found information in this forum thread (though the fix didn't help me):

    So once Apple solves this and I'll upgrade to Lion again, then I'll see whether there still is a problem on the side of Parallels...

  14. tomdev

    tomdev Bit poster

    back to work on Monday morning to be confronted with more Kernel panics.

    Any news on a fix for this?

    Kernel panic Report points the finger at parallels:
    "BSD process name corresponding to current thread: prl_vm_app"

    Anyone got any experience with converting a Parallels VM to VMWare fusion?

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