I'm trying to get around the issue of ctrl key functions not working in Lion (due to new Mac shortcuts) by mapping from option(alt)-left and option(alt)-right to the Windows ctrl-left and ctrl-right, but I'm not having any luck. I've created new entries under Virtual Machine Shortcuts in Preferences / Keyboard, but they don't do anything. The cursor stays at the same position when I press option-left or option-right. Is there something more to this that I'm missing?
Here is a link. http://forum.parallels.com/showthread.php?t=112418 I could only getting working again after switching from coherence to windows and back again. And only using Cmd+A.
Thanks. I saw that thread and tried everything suggested in it with no luck. I thought my issue was enough different (trying to map windows shortcuts to the mac keys) that I created a new thread instead of replying to that one.
Still not having any luck using option-left and option-right instead of ctrl-left and ctrl-right. ctrl-left and ctrl-right work fine after disabling the mission control mappings. I've now upgraded to PD7 and I've tried making keyboard shortcuts in Parallels preferences for the following: from option+left to ctrl-left from option+right to ctrl-right from ctrl+left to option+left from ctrl-right to option+right I've also tried switching the profile from Windows to Mac OS X, but it doesn't seem like that profile stays active. If I go back into the keyboard preferences, it is switched back to Windows where I was expecting it to stay Mac OS X. In any event, the same mappings listed above don't work there either. In fact, neither do the ctrl-left and ctrl-right windows versions, but I suppose that's the way it's supposed to work.