Keyboard Shortcuts

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by FireClown, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. FireClown

    FireClown Member

    I'm trying to get around the issue of ctrl key functions not working in Lion (due to new Mac shortcuts) by mapping from option(alt)-left and option(alt)-right to the Windows ctrl-left and ctrl-right, but I'm not having any luck. I've created new entries under Virtual Machine Shortcuts in Preferences / Keyboard, but they don't do anything. The cursor stays at the same position when I press option-left or option-right. Is there something more to this that I'm missing?
  2. youngcm2

    youngcm2 Bit poster

  3. FireClown

    FireClown Member

    Thanks. I saw that thread and tried everything suggested in it with no luck. I thought my issue was enough different (trying to map windows shortcuts to the mac keys) that I created a new thread instead of replying to that one.
  4. FireClown

    FireClown Member

    Still not having any luck using option-left and option-right instead of ctrl-left and ctrl-right. ctrl-left and ctrl-right work fine after disabling the mission control mappings. I've now upgraded to PD7 and I've tried making keyboard shortcuts in Parallels preferences for the following:

    from option+left to ctrl-left
    from option+right to ctrl-right
    from ctrl+left to option+left
    from ctrl-right to option+right

    I've also tried switching the profile from Windows to Mac OS X, but it doesn't seem like that profile stays active. If I go back into the keyboard preferences, it is switched back to Windows where I was expecting it to stay Mac OS X. In any event, the same mappings listed above don't work there either. In fact, neither do the ctrl-left and ctrl-right windows versions, but I suppose that's the way it's supposed to work.

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