Invalid Activation Code on Upgrade to 6

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by bmac, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. bmac

    bmac Bit poster

    Dear All,

    Parallels 6 will not accept my old activations codes from my previous version (I believe it was 3) for the upgrade. Could perhaps someone from Parallels check my codes? I saw in 2007 it was possible for someone to verify that they were OK. Still possible?

    Kind regards,

  2. WillJ

    WillJ Bit poster

    Same Problem


    I have this exact same problem when attempting to upgrade from 3.0 to 6.0 with a purchased activation key.
  3. LiudmilaA

    LiudmilaA Bit poster


    Those customers who have Parallels Desktop 2.5 or 3.0 would need to purchase special upgrade to Parallels Desktop 6. Check the following KB article:

    Note that this special offer has been extended up to November 30, 2010 and you can still request replacement keys.
  4. Peter Ericsson

    Peter Ericsson Bit poster

    Hi, I have the exact same problem and has followed the link mentioned here (article 8097). It seems though as nothing will happen from Parallels side though.

    Has been a satisfied 3.0 user since I switched to Mac. But only to find out that 50 euro is down the drain when trying to upgrade to 6.0. You need to clarify when purchasing 6.0 upgrade that it does not work straight off with 2.x/3.0, then potential customers might be able to at least make the right choice of downloading correct upgrade kit. OR, make the choice of not downloading the software.

    As it is now, it is mentioned first when the confirmation email is sent, and then the purchase has already gone through. So Parallels is not giving al information regarding the purchase until after the purchase.

    Strange buisness approach Parallels!! Not serious!!
  5. LiudmilaA

    LiudmilaA Bit poster

    Dear Peter,

    Unfortunately, we were not able to locate any replacement key requests placed with your email. So, we created ticket for you and sent you the replacement key for Parallels Desktop 6.

    Please check your email.
  6. PhoebeG

    PhoebeG Bit poster

    Code for original Parallels invalid

    I'm having the same problem exactly. I clicked the link above and got a form to fill out in which I input the activation code for the upgrade I'd just downloaded and the activation code for the Parallels 3.0 on the original disk plus a PDF copy of the invoice for the update. I got an error message which said: "The activation key you entered is not eligible for Parallels support service. Please use commercial key and resubmit the support form." I have no idea what is meant by 'commercial key'.

    I don't know what's going on here. I have just paid $65 for an upgrade and it can't be activated. I am ready to provide proof of purchase of the upgrade and the original 3.0 key. Why doesn't the form for the upgrade key for 3.0 work?

    I tried to get a Support code but it says: not available.

    I am very unhappy--I can't even get to the support services. Without support key I am shut out of any possible support for what is obviously a serious blunder in Parallels' web site design. It is hardly conceivable to me that an upgrade system in in place and that it just can't process valid keys. If anyone has any ideas I would be very grateful. Otherwise my Parallels is useless and I've just waisted $65.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2010
  7. TamaraK

    TamaraK Member

    We have just checked our database, but were unable to find any keys registered with your e-mail address. Therefore, we have created a trouble ticket in our system for you. Please kindly check your e-mail.
  8. RodneyJ

    RodneyJ Bit poster

    Same problem

    I'm having the same problem as the above posters. I find that I can't upgrade after I purchased the new software. Then I find I can't contact anyone in support unless I pay more money. How do I go about getting a new code?
  9. LiudmilaA

    LiudmilaA Bit poster

    Dear RodneyJ,

    I searched for any requests with your email, but did not manage to locate any. So, I created a ticket for you and provided replacement key for Parallels Desktop 6 for you.

    Please check your email and let us know if youi have any issues.
  10. colleenz

    colleenz Bit poster

    Can't activate PD 6 Upgrade

    I am having the same problem and am very upset with Nova. I have filled in the support form 3 times now & have not had a reply. All my Parallels codes are listed on my account page with Parallels. What is going on here?

  11. colleenz

    colleenz Bit poster

    Me too!!

    It seems impossible to get any help from Parallels. Now activation key that Parallels sent me won't work at all. I get a message that someone else is using it. I'll never buy anything from this company again!
  12. LiudmilaA

    LiudmilaA Bit poster

    Dear Collen,

    Back in December 2010, you were provided with a replacement key (which starts with JVQ51Q) on your request.

    Please make sure you use that very activation key, because the initial one you received from Nova Development (starts with JBPFKK) has been deactivated when you were provided with the replacement key.

    We have registered the replacement key under your account for your convenience. Please copy key from your account and activate your copy of Parallels Desktop 6 with it. Note that you do not have to register again, because the key is already registered under your email.
  13. JeffSD

    JeffSD Bit poster

    Im having the same issue. I originally had 3.0 and paid to upgrade to 4.0. The registration number for the upgrade is not working because "its been obtained from an unreliable source"? Its from my PDF of the original sale to 4.0.

    There is absolutely no way to contact anyone from Parallels online without paying money. Im completely dissatisfied with my experience to say the least. I tried to call and they are closed for the weekend. Extremely frustrating lack of customer service.
  14. TamaraK

    TamaraK Member

    Dear Jeff,

    As I can see from your support history, you have been provided with a replacement key for PD 4(starting with NVX5), the ticket is now resolved.

    To submit a free support request to our customer service, please login to your account an follow the link to create a request

    Parallels Support is available 24/7, here are the contact phone numbers:

    888-811-2489 toll-free
    1-703-579-0156 International
  15. juliansj

    juliansj Bit poster

    Can't activate parallels 6!

    I'm an owner and user of parallels 3, and have just bought the upgrade version of parallels 6. At no stage during the purchase process was there any mention that parallels 3 was not a valid previous version to upgrade from. I attempted to activate using the activation key but my v3 activation key was not accepted. On raising a support request, I notice there is a support page saying v3 is deprecated and from january of this year is no longer considered a valid version to upgrade from. Why is there no mention of this before purchasing a license?

    Having just spent the $50 on the upgrade version, what are my options? I'd be extremely unhappy if I've got nothing, being a parallels customer, user and advocate for many years.

    I've raised a support ticket (ID 1107386, created yesterday) but I nominated a severity of 1 which seemed to be downgraded to severity 4 after I raised it (enhancement request). I tried to create another ticket with severity 1 only to find the ticket creation process doesn't seem to work with firefox 3.5.5 (you can't get past the second step). I can't call anyone about the issue because I haven't purchased phone support!

    Very very frustrating!
  16. MatthewMoo33

    MatthewMoo33 Bit poster

    I am having the same issue as everyone else. I purchased the v6 upgrade from v3 and not once did it mention any issues with upgrading from v3. I went to activate v6 and was prompted to us the activation code from v3 (which I have and tried to use) but it said it could not be used.
    I've been a Parallels advocate for years (obviously since I still use v3) but this is very frustrating. What am I supposed to do now....
  17. TamaraK

    TamaraK Member

    Hello MatthewMoo33, I have created a support request for you. Please check your mail box.
  18. ManuelO

    ManuelO Bit poster

    Same problem.
    I'm having the same problem as the above posters. I find that I can't upgrade after I purchased the new software. Then I lost the Activation Key of Parallels 5. How do I go about getting a new code?
    I am very unhappy- If anyone has any ideas I would be very grateful. Otherwise my Parallels is useless and I've just waisted €50.
  19. jsmith30312

    jsmith30312 Bit poster


    I can't find my old Parallels 5 activation code. I bought a physical CD a while back and have no clue what card I used or what emails I used to register. Now, I upgraded to Parallels 6 and I can't use it because I can't find the old activation code.

    To add to my frustration I have been holding for customer service for THREE HOURS!!! I need to use Windows on my Mac but at this point I just want a refund.

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