Can't mount USB disks

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Chindokae, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. Chindokae

    Chindokae Bit poster

    Since upgrading to Lion, Windows 2003 guest OS's can't mount USB drives. They are detected, but they do not get a drive letter and only show up as unformatted partitions in Windows drive manager. They can be formatted with NTFS, HFS, or VFAT and it doesn't matter. None of them will mount.

    The only things that do mount are those psuedo-CD partitions WD puts on its external hard drives as the first partition. They mount and get a drive letter, but they will not read.

    I've tried Seagate, WD, Maxtor, and Firelite drives. Nothing works, and they all worked prior to upgrading to Lion. They all work just fine on Lion, too.

    The disks mount fine on Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04 guests.

    27" Mid 2010 iMac
    OS X 10.7

    Build 6.0.12094
    (Revision 676494; July 13, 2011)
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2011
  2. DeShawnB

    DeShawnB Hunter

  3. Chindokae

    Chindokae Bit poster


    No. I just posted it here. I've found that unpaid support requests almost but are not quite as effective as beating the computer with a hammer. Making the issue public so other users can chime in usually works better
  4. tjboucher

    tjboucher Bit poster

    my USB sticks aren't mounting either on Lion/Parallels 6 latest version. Thought it was something I was doing as I just installed for the first time. It gives me the choice to assign to Mac OS X or Windows 7, and then it mounts on Mac OS X no matter what I do.
  5. Banned

    Same problem with me!

    It mounts my USB flash only as network share.

    That is a problem because i have crypto key there for my internet bank!

    I have a latest version installed.
  6. MatthiasW

    MatthiasW Bit poster

    Same problem with me!

    I can only see my USB as network share. So one of my program doesn´t work any more.

    I have installed the latest version.

    Does someone have a solution for this problem?
  7. tjboucher

    tjboucher Bit poster

    the fix support gave me:

    They basically had me do a couple reboots. After that, it started working and hasn't stopped yet.

    I shut down Windows 7 VM completely, quit parallels, restarted.

    Insert Key, let it get seen by the Mac. Eject.

    start parapllels, boot the OS. insert key, give to windows.

    windows saw it as a true drive and all.

    but now I have the opposite fun, if I tell it to give the key to the mac, it doesn't and the ky goes off into lala land heh.

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