Why I use VMWare Fusion

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by RianQ, Jun 13, 2011.

  1. RianQ

    RianQ Junior Member

    There are two main reasons I still use VMWare Fusion over Parallels, regardless of how Parallels is faster, and has better integration:

    1) The parallel's logo on EVERY icon. I purchased a Mac because it is easy to use, and is not a complete eye sore. The red lines on every icon is annoying, and obnoxious. Yes.... its your logo. Please don't advertise to me by making my desktop look like crap. Seriously.... Its all over the forums... people asking to turn it off. I know it sounds petty... but I have to stare at my computer 8 hours a day, and the red lines driver my OCD nuts. I love the forums where people are like..... "why is my VM paused..... " hahahaha.... You would think by now you would at least get rid of the lines to prevent people from being confused.

    2) Automatically adding folders to everything. I haven't used version 6, but version 5 used to add folders to the Dock and Application's folder... even if you deleted them. Once again, if I don't want it, don't make me use it. Its bad enough that Apple makes you do things the Apple way.... please don't do the same thing. I like being able to organize my Desktop on my own.

    One day when you fix these I will use Parallels.
  2. DanN

    DanN Bit poster

    Icon and folders

    I am in complete agree with the first part of your seventh sentence.
  3. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers


    Thank you for your notes. About second point: you can turn off it in the VM configuration settings.


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