Blank or White windows / dialogs in Coherence

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by AlistairR, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. AlistairR

    AlistairR Bit poster

    Hi, I have a Mac OS X 10.6.7 MBP running Parallels 6 clean install. I have dual monitors going most of the time and I think it's related to that, but at random occasions, usually once a day I get all my applications turning white. I can't see anything in them at all, the space that the window occupies is completely white. If I click where the top bar of the app is supposed to be, I can drag it around so I know that it hasn't crashed and if I switch out of Coherence, all the apps go back to normal in the Windows XP desktop. If I switch back to Coherence, some times the windows will still be white, some times they will be back to normal.

    If I unplug my secondary (main) monitor and plug it in again, this usually resolves the issue. I have turned off all power saving features and the machine isn't being left idle, it can be in active use. The same thing happens with both of my two monitors as well so I don't believe it is related to the monitor. Can anyone help?


  2. FrederickK

    FrederickK Bit poster

    I have had exactly the same problem. I use an external monitor with my MacBook Air, and I get blank windows. I haven't yet pinpointed the circumstances that trigger this in Coherence, but it is certainly a bug in Parallels 6.0.11994.
  3. judas_s

    judas_s Junior Member

    This is happening to me as well...if I turn coherence off the VM (Windows 7) works perfectly, but when I switch coherence on all the dialogs, windows, etc. are white squares.

    Only solution is to quit parallels and restart the VM.
  4. Dalucky1

    Dalucky1 Bit poster

    Same here...

    I have dual monitors and only see all white windows in coherence. When I exit coherence everything is fine. This is the first time that it's happened to me and I googled the symptoms only to find this thread.

    OSX 10.6.7 MBP 2010 Dual Monitors
  5. judas_s

    judas_s Junior Member

    I just noticed this only happens to me when in coherence after the computer has been in Sleep mode. After a first boot it shows ok...then I sleep the computer when I open the windows again: white dialogs and windows.

    Hope to see this fixed soon!
  6. scott29

    scott29 Bit poster

    I have the exact same problem - It happens after I unplug my Macbook from the Cinema Display. Switching between Coherence and Windows Mode does not fix it.

    Has Parallels acknowledged this issue? This is a definite bug that needs to be fixed...
  7. mre

    mre Bit poster

    I have the same problem when switching GPUs on my Macbook Pro (Parallels and Win XP).
  8. judas_s

    judas_s Junior Member

    I'm still having this problem and still haven't heard of a workaround/fix or acknowledgment of the problem by the Parallels team...anyone found a solution? it happens after unpolugging an external display or coming back from sleep!
  9. robbiebr

    robbiebr Bit poster

    Blank Win 7 Apps in Coherence mode after sleep

    Is there a fix for this or a response from Parallels anywhere? This is a problem and we do not even know if it works. I am seeing this same issue discussed on other forums as well but just more and more people getting frustrated and no communication.

    Anyone out there with a solution or at least comments from Parallels?
  10. jordanmichael

    jordanmichael Bit poster

    I have had exactly the same problem please help me
  11. robbiebr

    robbiebr Bit poster

    Why does Parallels not respond. This is a clear issue. At least let us know you are aware and working the issue.
  12. ChingyC

    ChingyC Junior Member

    I have the same issue bu it only happens to me when in coherence after the computer has been in Sleep mode.[​IMG]
  13. duckworth

    duckworth Bit poster

    I am still having this issue when I unplug my external monitor from my Macbook Pro as well. Latest version of Parallels and osx 10.6.8.
  14. judas_s

    judas_s Junior Member

    Ok, so I filed a support request with the Parallels team. They were very fast and diligent with their response, acknowledging the issue and stating they are working on a fix.

    Here's the response (with their permission):

  15. judas_s

    judas_s Junior Member

    This issue seems to be fixed in P7 running on OS X 10.7 anyone still seeing it?

    [email protected] Member

    Yes.. I still have it.
  17. Smudge2

    Smudge2 Member

    I think I have the same issue, although I haven't had it with full apps being white but only menus. Attached is a pic of Office 2007 and SecureCRT applications showing this issue, although it happens in almost every application, including Windows Explorer.

    It only happens in Coherence mode. It doesn't matter if I have a second screen attached to my MacBook Pro or not, nor if it is after a sleep or from a fresh boot and launch of Parallels/Windows 7 VM. (as others have mentioned in this thread)

    It does not happen every time I select a menu but quite often. When it happens, if I click the menu button again to hide the menu then click again, it will appear properly. I can also move the mouse down the 'menu' and it will draw it properly.

    I've also been able to reproduce it almost every time by clicking on a menu then off the menu button (just next to it in the empty menu bar space) and then immediately on the menu again. More than not, this will cause the menu to go white. I do the same to get it from white to the proper menu.

    Parallels v7.0.15055
    Mac OS X 10.7.3
    MacBook Pro 15" (Late 2011)
    16GB RAM (3GB allocated to VM)
    Tried it with 256MB, 512MB, and 1GB of Video RAM allocated in the VM configuration.
    Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1

    I'm getting pretty good at opening support request tickets so if you need me to submit more info, I'll be happy to do it.

    Attached Files:

  18. onikage

    onikage Bit poster

    I just got Parallels 7 for Mac today and have the same issue. When I close the Macbook Air and come back to it later, the application (JMP) I was using in Coherence mode flickers black. Then, the top menus (File, View,etc) don't work. They just have borders around them but no content after clicking.

    I'm running Lion 10.7.4.

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