How to delete HP recovery partitions?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by DavieInSF, Apr 14, 2011.

  1. DavieInSF

    DavieInSF Bit poster

    I used Parallels Transporter Agent to move a Windows 7 system to Parallels Desktop on my Mac from an HP PC. The HP's hard drive has 3 partitions: the main C: drive, a D: recovery partition, and an E: HP tools partition. Parallels Transporter faithfully reconstructed these partitions in the PVM bundle on my Mac.

    I have no need for the D: and E: partitions, and I would like to delete them and get the disk space back (the D: partition is 12GB!). What is the best way to do this? Can I use Windows 7's disk manager? Will Parallels give me space back after disk manager deletes the D: and E: partitions?

    I thought it would be best to check in advance since I don't want to mess up my VM :)

    Thanks for the help!

  2. YanaB

    YanaB Member

  3. DavieInSF

    DavieInSF Bit poster

    I used the W7 disk manager to delete the D: and E: partitions. This left them as unallocated space on the virtual HDD. So I also used W7 disk manager to increase the size of the C: partition to fill the unallocated space. Finally I used the Parallels "compress" command, and voila!, my .pvm file shrunk in size by over 12GB! All seems to be working fine now.

    Thanks for the help!


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