Parallels Desktop for Mac build 3150 RC2 is available for download.

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by STim, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. j0nkatz

    j0nkatz Junior Member


    My Treo 680 Syncs now!!
    My faith has been restored!
  2. flummi

    flummi Junior Member

    I am from Germany and I really love your product, Parallels.

    One little issue at least is, that Iwould appreciate a better keyboard mapping:
    For example the backslash: if I want to write a backslash in OSX, I type ALT-SHIFT-7 (german keyboard). In WinXP with Parallels and Parallel Tools installed I type CTRL-ALT-? (as I just found out). Both combinations are not marked on the german keyboard (!!), which I blame Apple for. But at least it would be nice to have the same combination in both OSX and WinXP with Parallels.

    Tested with: MBP C2D, OSX10.4.8, Parallels Build 3150 RC2, WinXP with Parallel Tools installed.
  3. BillInSoBe

    BillInSoBe Member

    You do realize there is a Skype client for Mac that supports video via iSight. I don't understand what the point is of having a Mac if you want to run everything in Windows.

    If an acceptable Mac client is available I can't imagine why you'd want to Virtualize Windows for the same functionality. I wouldn't think the performance would be nearly as good as native.
  4. BillInSoBe

    BillInSoBe Member

    VPN Connectivy and RDP.

    I'm experiencing the exact same problems as previous builds. Connecting the corporate network via Citrix Access Gateway (SSLVPN) connection is quick then slow... quick then slow. RDP connections drop out every once in a while.

    If I don't connect using Access Gateway I can keep an RDP connection open forever without issues. There is a REAL problem using VPN tunnels with the networking in this build. Same as 3120.

    Submitted issues for each build to [email protected]. Apparently network connectivity isn't on the top of their list to fix.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2007
  5. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    Although both have video support, Skype for Windows is more advanced than Skype for Mac. By the way, the whole point of Parallels is to allow you to run Windows applications NATIVELY.
  6. BillInSoBe

    BillInSoBe Member

    While you may be running the applications natively in Windows you are still virtualizing the entire environment. It's not the same as running a native application on it's native operating system.

    My point was you're not going to get the same performance running Skype inside a VM as you will running Skype on a host or a non-virtualized OS.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2007
  7. ryanmck

    ryanmck Bit poster

    RC2 Question

    Can RC2 be installed over version 1970 without reinstalling all of my software?
  8. BillInSoBe

    BillInSoBe Member

    Yes. Any VMs shouldn't be touched during the installation. After 1970 is installed you'll need to update Parallels tools.

    Just make sure you shut down any and all VMs and Quit Parallels before running the RC2 installer.
  9. jeph4e

    jeph4e Bit poster


    System went corrupt with 3150. Can't even fix it when booting into winders via boot camp...

    Anyone have a fix?
  10. Robertito

    Robertito Junior Member

    Isight problem

    When I start under Boot Camp I see my Isght driver and the camera works, but when I start under Parallels I don't see th Isight drivers and the camera doesn't work.

    :( Anybody can help me ???? :(
  11. maynard

    maynard Member

    USB issues with PPC

    Well so much for a stable PPC USB connection and ActiveSync. As I stated in my last thread - it worked the first time, but if I unplug and then later plug the PPC 6700 back in and select it in the USB list... It locks up and I had to pull the battery...

    So it seems the state is not checking properly.

  12. Sorli

    Sorli Bit poster

    Build 3150 Rocks!

    So far so good!!!

    Excellent work Parallels and great job making changes that have finally fixed my Parallel Desktop problems.

    As reference:

    1. First - Uninstall Previous Builds... Used latest Build to remove previous installs. Made since and everything working as expected.

    2. Continue 3150 Build install. System Bootcamp installed on secondary dedicated harddrive which was unaccessible with previous Parrallels Desktop builds. Latest build recognized my Windows partition and installed without problems. After the brief wait to install Parrallels Tools and Drivers, system rebooted and worked as it should.

    System working perfectly and nothing else to report except excellent news.

    Keep up the great work!!!

  13. markintosh13

    markintosh13 Member

    Did you capture the iSight in Parallels under "Devices - USB"?
  14. CALATAYUD Francis

    CALATAYUD Francis Bit poster

    I have a Mac Book pro with Built in sight. I update my parallels desktop with Build 3150 RC2 . I follow your intructions for using Isight , after installation and reboot computer , nothing change windows messenger does'nt recognize Isight.
    What I have to do.
  15. Al_Q

    Al_Q Member

    Crash: missing windows\system32\config\system

    I have the same problem with my boot camp partition, but I am not experienced with repairing Windows. I can boot from the Windows installer CD, and one option is R for the recovery console. But I have no idea what command there would restore the missing file.

    It would be very helpful if someone from the Parallels team would post detailed step by step instructions on how best to recover from this common crash. (I looked through most of this long thread but could not find any such).
  16. vrSamurai

    vrSamurai Bit poster

    I had the same problem. CONFIG\SYSTEM file was corrupted. Have you tried booting off a WindowsXP install disk and run the repair. It worked for me.
  17. vrSamurai

    vrSamurai Bit poster

    Putting system to sleep with RC2

    Does RC2 allow you to put your Mac to sleep while running XPPro via Parallels off of a BootCamp partition without corrupting the partition.

    Not something I want to try until I ask. :)
  18. vrSamurai

    vrSamurai Bit poster

    This may help:

    I have not tried procedure (yet) and therefore do not know if it works. Someone else on the forum may wish to comment if they have tried this procedure.
  19. jcwelch

    jcwelch Bit poster

    Are there any plans for Vista bootcamp support in GM of this update?
  20. say2k

    say2k Bit poster

    I did this and I have no idea where to find the isight on the windowz.... it doesn't come up in the drop down menu for the webcam set up in MSN... any thoughts?

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