Parallels Mobile App - Landscape / Portrait

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Tony Carreon, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. Tony Carreon

    Tony Carreon Hunter

    what's up with this? when i am landscape orientation, the "list" of macs is just a black box. when i'm in portrait orientation the list is overlaid on the main screen. it's like it's backwards. i restarted my ipad and it's still the same.

    Attached Files:

  2. sergeym

    sergeym Parallels Team

    Could you please tell us more about your iPad? Model: (with 3G or without?), memory size, iOS version number?
    Did you tried to delete the application and install it again?
  3. sergeym

    sergeym Parallels Team

    Also try to turn off your device (press the on/off switch and hold it for 5 sec or more, then slide the swicth on the screen), and turn it on again. After that, try to start the Parallels Mobile app once again.
  4. Tony Carreon

    Tony Carreon Hunter

    32GB wifi only. my ipad is not jailbroken. and yes i restarted the ipad without any luck. it's running the most up to date iOS.

    i reinstalled the app and first started it in landscape mode. the screen appeared normal. however when i moved to portrait landscape it went back to being messed up. the list was overlaid. switching back to landscape caused the list to move off screen and be replaced by a black rectangle.
  5. sergeym

    sergeym Parallels Team

    Tony, we apologize for this problem. Actually, this is the first time we met with such behavior and it is definitely a bug. Although we still cannot reproduce it, we'll investigate the problem thoroughly and will try to fix it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2010
  6. sergeym

    sergeym Parallels Team

    It seems the problem is easily reproduced on iOS 4.2 Beta1. So while we're working on a fix, it is not recommended updating your iPad to iOS 4.2 Beta1, particularly taking into account that 4.2 is still in Beta.
  7. Tony Carreon

    Tony Carreon Hunter

    fair enough. thanks for the update!

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