windows 7 no internet connectivity

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by lbdl, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    Hi All,

    I have a frustrating and it seems common problem. I am using mac snow leopard and Parallels 5 with a fresh install of Windows 7 Ultimate as the guest, I cannot connect to the internet with the guest OS
    OSX network shows that the parallels connector is connected with an address of
    ipconfig shows ip of with the same for gateway and dns, all these are by dhcp
    ping to known ip's responds correctly but name resolution does not
    same problem with bridged networking
    the parallels connector does not shoe a dns server if i add this is nothing changes, the guest will still not connect
    the firewall in the guest is disabled, there is no anti virus running

  2. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    reported via help
    ID 4230687
  3. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Hi, I'm not sure that this will help, because don't see what could cause this behaviour, but as a first step please try to upgrade the Parallels Desktop to the verison 9310

    The version you are running now is just too old - 5.0.9200.446251, it is almost a 6 months old and seems to be the very first version of PD5.0
  4. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    Thanks Elric

    sadly this does not fix the issue
  5. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    Thankyou Elric, I have upgraded the parallels install, it does not make any difference
  6. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    seems from google searches for hours that this problem hits a few users and there is no resolution, not do the Parallels team seem to be able to do anything.
    I would opine this is a bug that needs to be looked at especially as it is sporadic. I am fairly conversant with windows and UNIX and have tried all obvious fixes, there is NO useful information for anything other than obvious fixes available on the site.
    It may be a windows issue but I doubt it. I have a tried a fresh install (which seems rather stupid) to no avail.
    Any ideas before I give up and move to Fusion ?
  7. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    well no response from support, and my further posts are not being posted.
    guess this confirms that there is a bug in Parallels and they do not want it discussed.
    I will try Fusion instead
  8. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    I was just going to write an answer.

    Do you mind establishing a remote session and investigating the problem directly on your computer? I can't promise that we will solve it immediately while the session, but there definitely should be some reason for this behaviour.

    Please let me know your email-address via private-message if you agree on the session. Please specify your timezone and timeframe when the session is convinient (my timing is working days, 9AM-5PM, GMT+0)
  9. StarShot

    StarShot Member

    When you say "guest", is that in the sense of say Win XP being a guest in the VM or is it in the sense of a "user" guest login?

    I have basically the same software that you do except I'm running Win 7 Home Premium and I have full connectivity either signed in as the Administrator or a guest login. It would seem to me IF you got a good install of Parallels Tools, you should be able to get online.

    My wife has a Mac Mini running the same software and she also has no problem in connectivity. Are you trying to connect in a wireless mode or with an ethernet connection?
  10. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    Guest as in Win7 is the guest OS, makes no difference as to user being admin or normal user, there is no connectivity.
    How am I supposed to tell IF I have a 'good' install of Parallels Tools?
    I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling.

    All diagnostics return a positve yert there is no connection. Mac reports connected, Parrallels same, Win7 no connectivity.
    I have tried bridged connection and shared
    I have tried with DHCP and with manual settings, it makes no difference.
    I have treid using all the netwaork adaptors that are available under Parallels.
    I am rather stuck
  11. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    I am using a wireless connection but that should make no difference, the guest is using the hosts connection anyway and sees this as a wired connection. Its great to know that you and your wife's connection just 'work' though
  12. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    further evidence

    when I look in the device manger i notice that there may be devices missing, i.e I only have the ethernet network adaptor listed, should there be more?
    see the attached png

    Attached Files:

  13. StarShot

    StarShot Member

    My MB shows the same thing yours does re the ethernet network adaptor.
  14. StarShot

    StarShot Member

    I didn't realize that within Parallels, Windows sees the connection as wired. If that is true, what about within a BootCamp setup? We run our computers both with BootCamp and Parallels setups. When I'm in BootCamp Windows, does it also see a connection as wired even though we're using the home wireless network?
  15. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    how odd, I have now loaded Fusion as I really need a VM of Windows 7 working and it does connect. I would like to get to the bottom of this however as it is rather frustrating ad it eems that it has affected not a few users, is it worth committing a new bug to the bug tracker?
  16. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Do you have clean installation of Fusion VM or the Parallels VM was converted to Fusion? My assumption at the moment is that there is some virus in the windows installation - this will be checked if remote session on Monday will occur.
  17. lbdl

    lbdl Junior Member

    it is a clean install of fusion. I removed Parallels.
    As to the Virus, impossible, as the install of Windows onto Parallels was a clean install. The Parallels install was also a clean install. If there is no connection to the internet how can the installation be infected unless the install media itself is infected. The same install media was used for the Fusion istall, ergo no virus.
    Thank you for the offer of the remote help but I really need a stable VM running and so I will stick with Fusion. I seriously think that there are some bugs to be addressed with Parallels as I am not the only person to be having these issues.
  18. RabiA

    RabiA Bit poster

    I appear to be having the same problem as ibdl

    I have Parallels version 5.0.9344.558741 running on Snow Leopard but I can't seem to get my Windows 7 guest operating system to connect to the Internet. I noticed that when I go into control panel in Windows 7 I cannot see any network adapters. This doesn't seem right, is this meant to be normal?

    Any help would be appreciated.

  19. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    It seems that you need to install Parallels Tools. There should be a hint in the status bar about it, but it is hard to notice.. Click menu of Parallels Desktop "Virtual Machine" and choose "Install Parallels Tools" while VM is running. Please read carefully the message, you may need to manually start the installatioin of Tools if Autorun is disabled in Windows for some reason

    if this doesn't help, make sure that you are using Shared Networking. Then click Start -> Run and execute cmd.exe. Type in the appeared window command "ipconfig /all". Then, without closing the window, click Parallels Destkop menu "Help"->"Report a Problem", send a problem report (it is not necessary to provide description) and post here the report ID.
  20. RabiA

    RabiA Bit poster

    Great Elric! That worked just fine problem fixed.


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