P5 9310 and boot times

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by [email protected], Jan 20, 2010.

  1. nq5t@tx.rr.com

    [email protected] Member

    The loooooooooong and slooooooooow Windows XP boot time has reappeared with the the 9310 release. It takes freaking forever! The previous release solved the problem that existed in the release prior, but it appears to have reared its ugly head once again.
  2. Shaddam IV

    Shaddam IV Forum Maven

    Odd. I see the exact opposite. Boot (and shutdown) time is much better than with 9308. Maybe that's to do with the fact that I turn off Spotlight while I'm working with Parallels.
  3. nq5t@tx.rr.com

    [email protected] Member

    Maybe I just wasn't clear. The release PRIOR TO 9308 had a very slow boot time. 9308 solved that problem. 9310 (the latest release) appears to have quite slow boot times again.
  4. dev@parallels.com

    [email protected] Parallels Developers

    1. is it bootcamp VM or not?
    2. slow boot time - how many seconds it takes to boot?
    3. can you check in Activity Monitor.app -> Disk Activity -> Data read / written -- values before and after VM boot?

    FYI, we fixed one issue with VM boot time on 9310, however, there is another one related to Spotlight and BootCamp interaction to be fixed soon. So depending on your answers I may help you different ways and if you have time we can have a skype session (sharing screen) to resolve it. Thanks for your help!
  5. nq5t@tx.rr.com

    [email protected] Member

    The VM is a bootcamp partition. I'll have to test the actual time -- which I take to include not only the OS boot, but getting McAfee, ZoneAlarm and the rest of the stuff that comes up on startup running.

    I'll check Activity monitor as you suggest, in the morning, and give you that info along with the boot time.

    Thanks for the response.

  6. nq5t@tx.rr.com

    [email protected] Member

    Finally had the time to actually measure the boot time ..

    Bootcamp Partition, start to complete (all startup utilities loaded) -- 7 1/2 minutes. That's very slow. It was probably no more than half that or better under 9308.
  7. dev@parallels.com

    [email protected] Parallels Developers

    yes, that's not normal at all.
    Can you please check whether ejecting (unmounting) Bootcamp volume in Finder before starting VM helps boot time?
  8. nq5t@tx.rr.com

    [email protected] Member

    Unmounting the bootcamp drive prior to starting Parallels cuts the boot time from 7-7.5 minutes to 3.5-4 minutes. It makes a significant difference. Still time to go out for a cup of coffee, but much better.
  9. ChenD

    ChenD Bit poster

    I think you need to do some tuning, I can boot my Win 7 64-bit (bootcamp) with Parallels Buidl 9308 in about 70 seconds or less
  10. nq5t@tx.rr.com

    [email protected] Member

    Install 9310, and see if your boot times increase
  11. dev@parallels.com

    [email protected] Parallels Developers

    I'm ready to have a skype session with screen sharing with anoyone who has such problems.
    Please send me private message with skypeid.
  12. ChenD

    ChenD Bit poster

    I would, my friend, but the German version of 9310 isn't out yet, I still have to wait :p
  13. Shaddam IV

    Shaddam IV Forum Maven

    I'm also running the German version of Parallels, I downloaded the EN 9310 build from the website and installed over DE 9308, now I only have about a week left for 9310 - hope that we'll get to see the DE version soon

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