Update Coming?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by TigerMe, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. TigerMe

    TigerMe Member

    Given some of the serious problems people are noting with the 5.0 updated release around Christmas, are you guys working on an update to address these issues? I can't believe we will have to wait 10-14 weeks to get Windows Live Mail fixed, time sync problems, lack of being able to install certain operating systems.

    Can you give us any idea if there is something faster in the works?
  2. I-che

    I-che Pro

    Hi TigerMe,
    we are working on update version, but cannot provide you with any ETA on this. There are currently workarounds for Windows Live Mail and Time Sync available. What issue do you mean with inability to install certain operating systems?
  3. TigerMe

    TigerMe Member

    You guys consider having workarounds for windows live mail and time sync acceptable? Nobody on the planet except techies like us who come to these forums would ever find those. I understand that sometimes workarounds are OK but when you take something like Windows Live Mail and completely tank it, and the workaround is so obscure that nobody will figure it out - there needs to be an update, i'm sorry. The product needs these things to work out of the box or else people are going to find another product that does. I was "this" close to saying goodbye to parallels when Live Mail didn't work - its a key reason I have a mac and use VM software with Windows. That is one of the apps that must work. As a side note - I have no idea how you all missed that. It's a 100% repro on every machine i've used.

    As for OS instability - I see pages of it all over this forum.
  4. I-che

    I-che Pro

    Time sync workaround is reflected in our Knowledgebase:
    Work on new build is in progress. I cannot add anything to it.
  5. Shaddam IV

    Shaddam IV Forum Maven

    I come to these forums but I'm certainly no techie ;-)

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