V4 Unable to connect CD/DVD-ROM 1

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by likegadgets, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. likegadgets

    likegadgets Member

    I just upgraded to 4 - first boot - My virtual DVD was disk D shown=wing parallel tools. Trying to open the CD it crashed.

    Every time I startup since I get the message Unable to connect CD/DVD-ROM 1 A file or device required for the operation of the CD/DVD-ROM 1 does not exist or is used by another process.

    The CD icon has a red X. I can connect to the real hardware DVD though.

    How to fix?
  2. jaime_sf

    jaime_sf Bit poster

    i'm seeing the same issue on some machines. the vm was created for parallels 3.0 and upgraded to 4.0 on my macpro. the dvd works correctly on this system. the image was was then moved to an aluminim imac and macbook air. on these, i get the same error that you see.
  3. Anna Pichueva

    Anna Pichueva Parallels Team

    I want to detect wether the problem is in the connection of the image(any), or in the exact Parallels Tools iso image. So could you please try to connect some other iso image. Will you receive the same error message?
  4. likegadgets

    likegadgets Member

    It is worst. Attempting to attach an ISO image completely freezes the VM - No error whatsoever.
  5. Flagg

    Flagg Hunter


    could you please try creating a new virtual machine based on the old virtual disk: File -> New Virtual Machine?
  6. Kris G

    Kris G Member

    I had the same issue when starting VM. In my case it happened when I had CD or DVD left in CD/DVD player while in Mac. When I removed CD from player and restarted VM I no longer had problem. It might not be a solution for your problem, but as a starter just make sure that your CD player does not have media when opening VM.

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2008
  7. Kevin Webb

    Kevin Webb Bit poster

    Same Problem here Unable to connect to CD/DVD-ROM 1

    I sure wish obtaining some support for this problem was actually easy and possible. I notice that the only support in this discussion is to create a new VM. Wow! That is interesting. I have to reinstall my entire Windows XP OS and MS Office to possibly fix this issue?

    In my case, I copied the contents of my iMac that will soon be shipped back to Apple to this new iMac, and all of a sudden I don't have complete functionality with Desktop 4.0. I get the same issue as the rest of you are having. "Unable to connect to CD/DVD-ROM 1.

    A file or device required for the operation of CD/DVD-ROM 1 does not exist or is used by another process, or you have no permission to access it. The virtual machine will continue running, but the device will be disconnected."

    The only difference in these two iMacs is the speed at which the memory runs. It's not DDR3 running at 1 Ghz instead of 800 Mhz.

  8. Alex Kulick

    Alex Kulick Bit poster

    same problem.

    reinstalling VM is not an option. the whole point of having a VM is lost.
  9. Flagg

    Flagg Hunter

    Let me clarify: creating a virtual machine based on the old .hdd does not involve OS, application or any other reinstallation. It is roughly equivalent to moving the hard drive with your OS installation from one computer to another, and using it as a boot drive. What happens during this procedure in this specfic case is, that you get your virtual hardware reconfigured.

    And even if that does not work, you still have your old virtual machine to restore the status quo.
  10. mmika

    mmika Pro

    Hm... No need any VM creation or reinstalling smth.
    Just go to VM configuration editor and select appropriate device or valid file with cd image.
    It seems like VM is trying to use device/file from old configuration.
    If VM moved to other Mac, it tries to use device from original Mac and doesn't find it.
  11. BernardG

    BernardG Bit poster


    Thanks for the suggestion (i.e. Just go to VM configuration editor and select appropriate device or valid file with cd image.)... Worked like a charm...
  12. EugenioV

    EugenioV Bit poster

    VM configuration worked for me using parallels 5
  13. Erik R

    Erik R Bit poster

    VM Configuration worked

    VM configuration worked for me by selecting Default CD/DVD.
  14. Gwen Nadin

    Gwen Nadin Member

    HI there
    I have noted your suggestions on this problem after upgrading to Parallels 7. I did what you suggested and find there are two versions of my CD1 the main one on my mac in the list, the lower is ticked. I also note a warning on the page that says some changes cannot be made until VM is closed. Am I good to go and change the CD1 to the other on my system which has the same name and is the main computer drive? or shall this make matters worse. My drive still works I just get the warning when I open up Parallels. Thanks for your time
  15. mmika

    mmika Pro

    Hello Gwem Nadin.
    You can change your DVD drive used by VM easily at any time.
    A message that changes cannot be made until VM is closed is caused by some other changes in VM configuration.
    So, you can ignore that message and choose a upper CD/DVD device.
  16. Gwen Nadin

    Gwen Nadin Member

    V4 unable to connect CD/DVD

    Hi there
    Thanks heaps for replying to my cry for help. Always refreshing that kind people are still around.
    I also wondered if you are able to take care of another task for me. As I said I recently upgraded to Parallels 7
    and found my Parallels would not open. Hence the latter message thrown up at me when I open windows. The
    strange thing now is that when I opened Parallels before I could just click the yellow icon and Parallels would open
    with the window and the last user/Guest window, I had not need to switch. Now I need to switch as it opens first,
    with Windows Xp welcome screen, I then need to click start Windows:-
    Then it slowly opens P7 and the Administrator user is the only option when the window fully opens. I had it working
    before upgrading to open with Guest user. I have also never had the window for 'fast switching' appear to me either on the welcome screen.

    The reason I prefer to open in Guest is that my Administrator was corrupted some time ago so I had to create another user. I am the only one using my iMac and apart from that it seems to work fine. I have Admin and Guest User.
    I also note when I close Parallels it first closes the main screen, and I then have to clock start close windows also. What a nuisance, were as before I could Control+Q and it would close Parallels down completely.
    Hope you don't mind me sending this to you and I am forever in your debt for your help.
    pS is this an issue with Parallels 7? or me.

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