Got a new iMac with the i7 chip. I have tried four times to install a Parallels VM of either Windows 7 or Windows Vista from an existing boot camp partition, all have failed. It gets hung on step one of the four steps of creating the VM. I have to blow out the boot camp partition every time and start over. Once it left gigs of temp files behind so that even the Boot Camp partition wouldn't load because it was full!!! Another time I had to run the Disk Tools program from CD because it screwed up the hard drive!!! It wouldn't create a new boot camp partition until I did that, claiming that I needed to back up and reformat the Mac drive, which of course, I didn't. What is going on here? Apparently, Parallels won't install from a boot camp partition, at least on the i7 iMac, or at least, on mine. I tried to call Parallels, but amazingly, there appears to be NO option to report this possible but without actually paying them for support! There isn't even a way I have found to even call to ask if I have to pay!!! So turning to forum for help. Thanks to all in advance.
I am experiencing exactly the same issue with Parallels 5 on my new i7 iMac and windows XP (sp 3). The progress bar slows to a crawl and then stops about 1/3 of the way across (under the 'u' in virtual) not moving even after 24 hr. In spite of warnings I have to kill the program. Luckily the FAT32 bootcamp partition has remained intact and I can run windows by booting into that partition. Any ideas as to how to make it fly?
Same issue with i5 I tried to create a new Vista 32 VM from a bootcamp partition. Same problem that James is having. I hope that the Parallels team is on this one. There are probably a ton of i5 and i7 owners that are dying to give them their money. My advice... download the free trial before shelling out any cash. Parallels people... Please respond. Let us know if there is a solution in the works. Thanks
Hi, those who have problems creating virtual machines from existing Boot Camp partitions in PD 5: can you please post here the output of the following command executed in Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/Terminal): diskutil list
Exactly the same problem here on i7. It says: /dev/disk0 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk0 1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 678.5 GB disk0s2 3: Microsoft Basic Data BOOTCAMP 321.4 GB disk0s3 /dev/disk1 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: CD_partition_scheme *824.9 MB disk1 1: Apple_partition_scheme 718.2 MB disk1s1 2: Apple_partition_map 32.3 KB disk1s1s1 3: Apple_HFS Parallels Desktop 5 205.6 MB disk1s1s2
"diskutil list" results /dev/disk0 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk0 1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 678.5 GB disk0s2 3: Microsoft Basic Data BOOTCAMP 321.4 GB disk0s3 /dev/disk1 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: Apple_partition_scheme *500.1 GB disk1 1: Apple_partition_map 32.3 KB disk1s1 2: Apple_HFS MY BOOK HD2 500.0 GB disk1s3
Thank you "parallels people" for responding At least now I know that you guys and gals are working toward fixing the problem.
Hi guys, please create problem report, when your Parallels freezes creating new virtual machine over Boot Camp partition and post its ID here. Thanks! To create a problem report select Help->Report a problem in menu.
/dev/disk0 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk0 1: EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 935.1 GB disk0s2 3: Microsoft Basic Data BOOTCAMP 64.8 GB disk0s3 /dev/disk1 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *1.0 TB disk1 1: EFI 209.7 MB disk1s1 2: Apple_HFS Macintosh HD 2 999.9 GB disk1s2 bootcampxp:~ Sol$
Problem Report: 1170768 I have the exact same problem. i7 iMac 8GB RAM stalls on Step 1. Switching to manual reveals a BSOD loop about the driver. Typed out the BSOD in the problem report.
I have cancelled my iMac i7 order based on this thread Thanks for the information. I had hoped to be able to migrate my existing VM from my old iMac onto the i7, but apparently Parallels 5 doesn't work on the new hardware.
I too have had the exact same problem on my shiny new iMac i7 with a bootcamp partition running Windows XP Pro SP3. Problem ID: 1191802 I've also submitted a support request... if I don't hear anything Monday I'll be looking for a refund, as right now I've paid $80 for something totally unusable. Dan.
Guys, this is the answer to this problem: Mine is working now!
same problem new i7 trying to run WinXP SP3 from Boot Camp I have the exact same problem. I have a new iMac i7, Parallels 5, Boot Camp, Windows XP SP3. Boot Camp and XP work fine, but Parallels stalls during the configuration process (step 1 of 4). I have submitted a ticket through Parallels.