Dragon NS 10, Win 7 and Parrallels 5 - Help Mic Not Working

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by CarloL, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. CarloL

    CarloL Bit poster

    Any help would be appreciated:

    Everything installed great and fast (new Powerbook 2.8, 4gb ram, 500gb hd, snow lep.) Parrellels first - no problem, Win 7, Word 2007 and then Dragon NS 10 Standard. Everything looks and works good except my mic - which does not work.....argghhh. My junky mic and a new HS-Gen that came with Dragon (with USB Andrea Adapter) is recognized and works in OS X Snow Lep., but it does not work in Win 7.

    Can someone help me configure this. Below are the areas in preferences that I have been trying to tweek with no resolution. If I am missing something let me know!!!!

    System Pref. > Sound > Input ?
    System Pref. > Speech ?

    Parallels 5:
    Parallels Desktop > Pref > USB ?
    Parallels Desktop > Pref > Speech ?

    Virtual Machine > Configure > Hardware > Sound ?
    Virtual Machine > Configure > Hardware > USB Controller ?

    Devices > USB ?
    Devices > Configure ?

    Win 7:
    Control Panel > Sound > Recording > Microphone > Properties and Configure?
    Control Panel > Speech Recognition > Set up Microphone ?
    Control Panel > Speech Recognition > Start Speech Recognition ?


  2. Alexander Haltman

    Alexander Haltman Parallels Developers

    hi, CarloL.

    Please, do the following:

    1. Select checkbox Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> General -> Use detailed log messages
    2. Reproduce the issue:
    - connect your device to virtual machine and try to work with it.
    3. Make a problem report:
    - go to menu Help and click Problem Report...
    - fill in the details in a window that opens
    - wait for report submission to complete (you'll get a notice with your report ID)
    4. Post report ID here
    5. Remove back "Use detailed log messages"
  3. jfritz_drfritz

    jfritz_drfritz Junior Member

    You must connect the microphone to the Mac OS and not to the virtual machine. Under Mac system preferences select Sound then input and set it to your microphone.Now start Parallels and win 7 and make sure that the microphone is not selected under the virtual machine usb configuration tab. If it is then unselect it, stop windows and restart parallels and win 7. Now check under sound in the control panel on windows and make sure the default sound card is selected for input. Now start DNS and run the audio setup wizard and adjust the volume (you might have to turn up the input volume from the Mac OS system preferences depending on the microphone you use. The fundamental thing here is to make sure the USB microphone is attached to Mac OS and not to the virtual machine otherwise it won't work. I would also say that your machine is configured a bit light on Ram to be running DNS under parallels - DNS pretty much requires at least a gigabyte of ram to itself irrespective of whatever is assigned to windows (at least 2 gb I would say) and that doesn't leave much leftover for the Mac OS

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