I'm trying to capture analog video with Windows Movie Maker using a dazzle DVC-100 interface. The program sees the device where I've selected it under devices. And when I do I'm not selecting any other usb device. The signal is coming through but no capture can be seen in the preview box. Any information will be appreciated. Thank You Mark
Hi, heroesvoice. 1. Can you change resolution of captured pictures? If you can - try different resolutions. Start from lowest one. 2. Generate Problem Report: - Go to menu "Help", click "Problem Report..." and follow the inctructions. This will allow you to generate so called "Problem report", which contains some usefull info: - Mac OS version and its configuration - Parallels Desktop version - Virtual machine configuration (OS version, number of cpu, memory size...) - Send report to Parallels Report server and post ReportID here.
Now when you ask: Am I able to capture pictures?...Do you mean am I able to capture photos using my analog camera? or do you mean Am I able to capture photos from a folder? I'm not able to capture photos using my camera because its an analog camcorder. I will try what you said about modifying the resolutions and such and will attempt to get out a report. Thank You for your input. Mark
Hi, heroesvoice. Sorry for my english. No photo, just resolution of video stream which you try to capture. The main idea is to reduce amount of data which transfered throw usb. As result, load of host's cpu will be reduced proportionaly.
Hallo Herr Haltmann, ich habe ebenfalls ein Problem mit meiner Mikroskopkamera. Leider funktioniert das capturen nur bei geringer Auflösung, mt der Folge, dass ich auch nur in dieser geringen Auflösung Fotos machen kann. Es handelt sich um die Kamera - DCM510 - 5 MegapixelImage - USB2.0 - 480 Mb/s - Software ScopePhoto Die Framerate habe ich schon auf gering eingestellt. Ich benutze Parallels 5 build 5.0.9220 Viele Grüße Volker Zimmermann