PD 5 quits automatically when system goes to sleep

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by lyew, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. lyew

    lyew Bit poster

    I normally leave PD running on my Mac Pro all the time. However after upgrading from version 4 to 5, I've noticed a different behavior. My Mac is usually scheduled to go to sleep at 7 pm and then to wake up the next day at 6.30 am. PD4 continues to run regardless, but with PD5 it seems like the application quits when the system enters into a suspend mode. I will then have to launch the application manually when the system resumes from a sleep mode. Is this how PD5 now works? Or is there a bug? Or is this because I'm now using a trial version? Has anyone experienced this?
  2. sergeym

    sergeym Parallels Team

    Hellow lyew!

    It is not the right way PD5 must operate. Sleeping/waking up Mac OS X must not result in PD5 quit.
    It seems to be a bug. Could you please generate and send a problem report just after the unexpected PD5 quit happened. To send a problem report after PD5 quit: re-launch PD5, open the virtual machine that was running at the time Mac OS X gone to sleep (but do not start it now), go to menu Help->Report a problem, wait until report is generated, click "Send" and provide the assigned problem report ID in this topic. We'll try to investigate the issue.

    Additional question: Do you have any virtual machines running at the time Mac OS X goes to sleep? Do you have any applications started inside VMs? Or may be PD5 is started but does not run any VMs?

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2009
  3. lyew

    lyew Bit poster

    Thanks for the quick reply, Sergey. Yes, whenever PD5 is running I do have Windows XP Professional running as a virtual machine but usually at the time my Mac goes to sleep, there is usually no application running in the Windows VM.

    OK I'll generate the error report.
  4. lyew

    lyew Bit poster

    Alright. The report has been generated. It's #794992. On another note I've discovered that it's not so much the sleep/wake cycle that is causing PD5 to crash/quit. Since I installed PD5 the crashing has been very consistent. When the computer resumes from a scheduled sleep cycle, the application is no longer running. This has happened since I first installed PD5 since November 5th. But this morning I noticed PD5 was still running when my computer woke up from a scheduled sleep. The only difference is that I updated Mac OS X to 10.6.2. But then PD5 crashed later on, the computer was still running but my monitor had shut off because of inactivity. And then it crashed again when I was attempting to generate an error report.
  5. sergeym

    sergeym Parallels Team


    thank you for the report - we have received it. We'll investigate the issue and let you know.

    Best regards,
  6. sergeym

    sergeym Parallels Team

    Dear lyew,

    We appreciate you very much for reporting the issue. We're currently working on fixing.

    Best regards,
  7. selenes

    selenes Bit poster

    I have the same problem with automatic sleep and pd extended, but in my case, the gemwin freezes up. It would be really wonderful to get this bug fixed, as I would like to fix an installation to automatically start and shut down, and not have to shut down the system by hand. When I try to automatically shut down and restart instead of sleep, the action gets hampered by pd, which prevents the automatic logout after 10 min. I'm kind of in a jam.

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