Lexmark USB Printer problems

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by JensK, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. JensK

    JensK Bit poster

    Hi! I have Parallels Desktop (latest version) on my Snow Leopard running with a virtual XP-machine. Attached to my imac, is a Lexmark E232 printer (USB). I have installed the printerdrivers from Lexmark, but when I print a testpage, there come lots of papersheets with strange symbols in courier. I guess the printer does not get the data it expects to get.

    Has anyone a idea, how I can solve this? The printer is working perfectly under Os X.


  2. Alexander Haltman

    Alexander Haltman Parallels Developers

    Hi, JensK.

    Please, provide us some additional info:

    - select checkbox Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> General -> Use detailed log messages
    - connect your printer to virtual machine and reproduce issue
    - create problem report and send it to our problem report's server
    - post it number here
    - remove back "Use detailed log messages"

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