Hi there, I am working now for quite a lot of time to fix the problem that the parallel transporter cannot recoginize my Thinkpad R60 Win XP prof SP 2 laptop. I switched off the firewalls of mac book pro 15" and the Thinkpad, I also shut down the antivirus software but nothing worked. The software of the MBP is updated, the Parallels 4.0 Software is updated. The parallel transporter agent option gives as error message: Fehler beim Erfassen der Informationen über den Computer = Error when getting information about the computer. I use the Parallel USB cable and the potion of migrating a physical computer. In the beginning Win XP tried to install a driver for the USB cable but couldn't find one. But as far as I have checked, there is no need for a driver on the Thinkpad to run Parallels. Altogether my work to fix the problem took me already about 6 hours. I studied computer science and worked some years in that field - long ago - so I checked everything a common sense person can do, including reading the error manual of Parallel Troubleshooting, yet, still not able to fix that. Any idea? Also strange to me is, that the support via email is not available, though according to the Email Parallel sent they confirmed I have email support for 30 days, however, the website stops at step 2 for request and there is no option, no click or anything to proceed. I checked the site in two browsers, but still beyond step two, the Email Support formular does not run. Any idea? Thanks a lot in advance, its heavy time consuming to fix it and I bought the software due to the praises of it, and did not expect that it fails even at the very first step... Maybe there are problems with the Thinkpads? Again Thank you in advance for your help!!!!
I could fix this problem on my own. There is only one prolem left after migration, and for this I just posted a new thread. Thanks so far!
my own stupidity Its rather embarrassing: it was my fault. I didn't install the parallels exe-file on the Winlaptop, though Parallel says this clean clearly. Though I assumed there should be a software on the side of the win machine, I didn't read it (maybe I was too tired). Then when I used the Parallel's CD to install it my Win machine, my Win DVD drive didn't recognize it in the beginning, so I assumed wrongly, that a CD for both systems will not work, because they are too different, and since only one CD was delivered, I concluded wrongly from this, Parallels does not expect that anything may be installed on the Win machine. Then - during my different trials to get it working - my Win machine already tried to install a driver, which blocked the access when I eventually could run the Parallel's exe file on the Win machine. So after I used the device manager of Win and removed the entry, everything worked fine with respect to the migration. Now, someone from the chat in India gave me rights for email support, and at the moment we try to figure out, what are the sources for the current problems which do not allow me to work with parallels. However, this time this seems to be a serious problem, not again my stupidity. However, finally I hope I can run the Virt Machine. The actual problem I try to get solved with the help of the email support is the following: "when XP on Mac in Parallels 5 starts, it asks the three option activating menue of Win XP Prof. But whatever option I choose, WinXP in virtual mode does just not continue. I made sure before migration, that the internet connection starts right from the start up with windows, so this shouldn't be the problem that there is no internet connection. But even if this were the case, the option: activate later does not work either. The complete system WinXP stops just at this point with the three option activating menue without continuing regardless what option I choose. It is possible to shut down WinXp at this point and to restart it, but it never goes beyond that step of the three-option-activating menue of WinXp. " The reply from the support was to press F8 and to start in safe mode because this would avoid that dialogue, however, since the Virtual Machine is configuring the WinEmulation and jumps directly into the user authorization of Win XP menue after which the activation procedure follows, there is no way to activate safe mode. I tried all options, restart, press F8 while the Virtual Machine is configuring the WinEmulation, nothing worked, so I hope the email support will finally be able to help me to get it solved. The idea with the F8 key and safe mode was quite good, the chat help from India was not helpful. I'll keep you informed if it finally will work....
Hi Davecom & john. I posted a reply which has yet to be approved by the moderator. How the problem with the Windows Activation menue is solved (if it will be sloved) I will keep you (and those interested) informed in this thread.