miked44 wrote: "I'm working on a MacBook Pro 17". I had parallels 3120 installed and working. I then installed Bootcamp and it worked fine. I then wanted Parallels to utilise my Bootcamp partition so I uninstalled Parallels and re-installed using Bootcamp as the vm partition... Setup seemed to go ok..."
OK, I'm with you so far. But why did you uninstall Parallels only to re-install it? Do you realize you can have many virtual machines, and delete them within Parallels if you no longer need them?
miked44 wrote: "Then when it tried to boot into Parallels vm I would get a message saying it's using an unsupported OS and I shouldn't continue..."
I've never seen this message, and I'm using the Bootcamp partition as a VM in Parallels on a Macbooko Pro 17" Core duo, too. I don't think simply uninstalling Parallels and then installing it again is part of the problem, here. So, let's look elsewhere.
Miked44 wrote: "I had to erase my bootcamp partition and reinstall bootcamp to get anything working. Anyone got any ideas on this?"
So, what is working, and what isn't, now? My own experience with Parallels and Bootcamp has led me to believe that if you want Bootcamp to operate with all the functions available in Parallels, you should have Tools installed, and the VM created immediately after the XP setup program has finished installing Windows. Any external devices should be plugged into the VM first, AFTER TOOLS IS INSTALLED, and not in native Bootcamp, so Tools can take care of them properly, so they do not conflict with the VM functionality.
When the VM loads Bootcamp, it uses a different Hardware Profile, which is selected at Boot up. It sounds as if you had something here that was corrupted. Although, since you re-installed Bootcamp, it doesn't sound like the problem exists anymore.
So did you resolve your problems by re-installing Bootcamp, or do you still have them?
Last edited: Jan 14, 2007