Very Slow Startup for Parallels 5

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by rmansfield, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. rmansfield

    rmansfield Member

    Okay, by way of background, I went from version 4 to version 5 beta, and then as soon as it was released today, I upgraded to the regular version 5.

    Whenever I launch Parallels 5, the icon bounces in my dock over 100 times (really! I stopped counting at 100) and then the program just seems to hang for about 10 minutes. Then suddenly I am able to launch Windows and everything works fine. But I don't know what is taking Parallels so long to get running.

    The first time this happened this morning, I thought my initial install was bad so I reinstalled it. Same thing again, but I got busy with other things, and after enough time, I saw the Windows black screen with the launch button. I'd hoped it was fixed, but everytime I relaunch Parallels, I still have to wait a good ten minutes.

    I ran the uninstaller and installed again, but it's still the same thing.

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    I have a 2.8 ghz MacBook Pro (late 2008 unibody) with 5 GB RAM and about 50 GB free space on my hard drive.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2009
  2. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers


    Please check if you have any alias files pointed to the unavailable network shares on your desktop and try to remove it.

  3. rmansfield

    rmansfield Member

    How would I check this?
  4. rmansfield

    rmansfield Member

    By the way, could a moderator fix my title on the forum to "Very Slow Startup for Parallels 5"? I don't even begin to know how that happened.
  5. ivanb

    ivanb Bit poster

    same problem


    i have the same problem (upgrade from V4 and slow startup)

    and during every launch of parallels desktop the mds process becomes the top cpu process for about 2 minutes.

    -> the parallels application is available only after the mds process has finished his job..

    (my Parallels VM are not in the spotlight search path)

  6. swryder

    swryder Bit poster

    Same issue here

    I have the same problem. It can take Parallels 10 + mins to start up. I have network volumes attached by they are all responding normally.

  7. Martin Buergi

    Martin Buergi Bit poster

    I have exactly the same problem. I had no problem under parallels 4.

    While waiting, the activity monitor shows parallel as "not responding"... After 5 - 10 minutes I get the VM, which is in sleepmode...
  8. twilsonstudiolab

    twilsonstudiolab Bit poster

    same here

    I'm having the exact same problem.

    Alexg, do you mean aliases on the desktop of the guest OS? Sorry, I'm not sure I understand your instruction.


    [email protected] Junior Member

    I'm seeing the same problem, chatted with support who suggested: increasing the RAM in the VM, disabling SmartMedia, enabling Hypervisor and VM optimisation. Interestingly, doing these things provided temporary relief (i.e. if I quit and then re-launched Parallels it would launch immediately) but then launch went back to a matter of several minutes later.
  10. Arnd Gehrmann

    Arnd Gehrmann Bit poster

    Upgrade Par4 to 5, WinXP, Very (!) slowly, too

    Yesterday i upgrade from Parallels 4 to 5 (full version). After that booting Windows Xp from Boot Camp-Partition was very slowly. Not as told before (no 10 Minutes) but very, very slowly, two to three times slower, than with version 4. Even MacOS works slower, than without Par.5 running ans as like with Par.4. :-(
  11. Arnd Gehrmann

    Arnd Gehrmann Bit poster

    Yesterday i upgrade from Parallels 4 to 5 (full version). After that booting Windows Xp from Boot Camp-Partition was very slowly. Not as told before (no 10 Minutes) but very, very slowly, two to three times slower, than with version 4. Even MacOS works slower, than without Par.5 running ans as like with Par.4. :-(
  12. STim

    STim Bit poster

    Can someone please post here a problem ID taken while Parallels Desktop VM starts?

    To do so,
    1. Go to Help menu
    2. Select "Report a problem"
    3. Click "Send" and wait for a while until a confirmation with report ID pops up
    4. Post the problem report ID here.

    The problem report will contains some logs necessary for developers to understand what's going on.
  13. wpparker

    wpparker Bit poster

    I have the same problems. Here are some console messages that come up while Parallels 5 is starting:

    11/7/09 10:06:45 AM [0x0-0x5a05a].com.parallels.desktop.console[927] objc[927]: Class QMacSoundDelegate is implemented in both /Library/Parallels/Parallels and /Library/Parallels/Parallels One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.11/7/09 10:06:45 AM [0x0-0x5a05a].com.parallels.desktop.console[927] objc[927]: Class QNSImageView is implemented in both /Library/Parallels/Parallels and /Library/Parallels/Parallels One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.11/7/09 10:06:45 AM [0x0-0x5a05a].com.parallels.desktop.console[927] objc[927]: Class QNSStatusItem is implemented in both /Library/Parallels/Parallels and /Library/Parallels/Parallels One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.11/7/09 10:06:45 AM [0x0-0x5a05a].com.parallels.desktop.console[927] objc[927]: Class QNSMenu is implemented in both /Library/Parallels/Parallels and /Library/Parallels/Parallels One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
  14. Pascal Pochet

    Pascal Pochet Bit poster

    Exact same problem here

    Tired to wait… more than 10 min… and nothing…
    back to v4 until this problem is fixed…

    There is nothing suspicious in the logs apart of the duplicate dyld issue which should not be the source of problem anyway… unless 2 referenced binaries are actually different versions…

    no unavailable network volumes: I also suspected that one and made sure every known volume is mounted.

    suggestions about using Help to report bug and increasing RAM in VM or changing other settings, are assuming you eventually get it to run… which is not the case here…

    fyi: 12Gb RAM on this machine.

    everybody with the problem has more than 4Gb physical RAM and SnowLeopard ?
  15. AmandaK

    AmandaK Bit poster

    Hi STim,

    The Parallels process does not respond during the slow start up. There is no menu bar, and thus, no way to access the Help menu to generate a problem report. It hasn't even reached the stage of opening the VM yet.
  16. bluehalosaint

    bluehalosaint Junior Member

    Yes. I have 6GB of RAM and am running Snow Leopard. Having the same problem.

    Parallels needs to start taking this seriously.
  17. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Actually, there should be.. at least we can find between which operations the delay in ten minutes is.

    So, for Everyone who sees this problem, please send a problem report and post here the id.
  18. Pascal Pochet

    Pascal Pochet Bit poster

    report id 761565 (done with v4… because v5 not working…)
  19. bluehalosaint

    bluehalosaint Junior Member

    Exact same problem too! Problem Report # 761680

    I'm having the exact same problem as everyone else I see.

    I too have more than 4Gb of physical RAM and am running Snow Leopard.

    I had the previous version of Parallels and am deciding if I should buy the new version or not.

    My Problem Report Number is 761680. I have a friend who is experiencing the exact same issues.

    On mine the icon bounces in the dock for approx. 1 minute followed by 3-4 minutes of nothing... then the application appears. I have not had any other issues with the application, I just can not wait 5-6 minutes everytime I need to use it.

    Parallels support, PLEASE HELP US!
  20. jlbrach

    jlbrach Member

    I too am having the same problem...i recently upgraded from 4-5 and now when i try to access my vista it takes literally 10 minutes before it opens and all of the icons appear etc.....with 4 i had no such problem...i do not seem to be having any other problems,once it actually does open it works properly....i have snow leapard and 4 gb of ram installed for what it is worth....i do hope there is a simple fix for this and asap please

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