Cannot Use Copy and Paste Function in Parallels 4

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by ccc, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. ccc

    ccc Bit poster

    Is anyone else having the same problem? I am running Leopard (had to revert back from SL b/c of blacklisted apps). I just bought Parallels 4 and discovered that copy and paste function will no longer work as in Parallels 3. It also freezes up my programs such as Access. I reinstalled parallels tools and it will not fix the problem. I run in windows mode, and it did not help. As someone who relies on constantly using copy and paste between PC and Mac to get the daily work done, I am in desperate need of an answer. Can I go back to Parallels 3 without having to reinstall my virtual machine and all the apps on there? Can I get my money back from Parallels? Would some one please help me?
  2. Step Schwarz

    Step Schwarz Bit poster

    I may be having the same problem. Copy/paste never seems to work the first time. I have to select, copy, de-select, re-select, re-copy in XP before I can paste in Mac. Does that work for you? I went from Tiger to Leopard, Parallels 2.5 to 4 a couple of months ago. That's when I first noticed the problem.
  3. ccc

    ccc Bit poster

    Hello. thanks for the reply. It works for me 20% of the time. The rest of the time it makes me want to pull my hair out. I have since then returned my copy, have not gotten my money back yet as they are "evaluating" my case, and reinstalled my old version 3.

    When I called customer service, they tried to get me to pay for the tech support and told me that there is no way to go back from 4 to 3. If I want to do that I will have to reinstall the whole Mac OS as Parallels 4 changes the configuration of the whole system. I was told to better off paying 30 for the tech support (for something so very basic). I did not fall for that, made a backup with time machine and reinstalled version 3 and had no problem. It is quite sad when a company lies to their customers to get them to spend money, tries to charge you for every little thing.
  4. YongbomL

    YongbomL Bit poster

    Cannot copy and paste to Word 2004 Mac

    I purchased Parallel 4.0 because of upgrade to Leopard Snow. I cannot copy and paste texts from PC to Microsoft Word 2004 for Mac. Could you someone please help me? I have tried everything that has been posted so far.
  5. ccc

    ccc Bit poster

    YongbomL, sorry to hear that... but you might be out or luck. I upgraded to Parallels 4 from 3 after installing Snow Leopard. But after much struggle with the copy and paste problem and not able to get my work done, I had to reinstall Leopard and went back to Parallels 3. I will post, if I find any solution or suggestion. Good luck.
  6. SharelC

    SharelC Bit poster

    Cannot Empty Clipboard

    I had been using Parallels 3.0 for my Windows VM, and when Snow Leopard was released, I decided to upgrade to 4.0 to ready myself for eventually upgrading my operating system. Ever since, I receive error messages that read "Cannot empty clipboard," particularly in Excel in which I work often. It makes my Windows system unusable, and I have to restart to continue.

    I have removed and installed Parallels Tools many times.

    Yesterday I decided to create an entirely new VM for Windows from scratch to hopefully fix the problem. No such luck. There is definitely something going on in 4.0 that is causing this problem.

    I'm currently reinstalling Parallels 3.0 until this is solved. Or I'll be looking at moving to VMWare if I have to.
  7. YongbomL

    YongbomL Bit poster

    I am now able to copy and paste from a Windows XP program to Word 2004 Mac. I have to keep my Word 2003 PC open and make sure in its clip board that the item that I want to copy and paste is chosen before I copy and paste it to Mac 2004 Word. I also click right side button of my mouse and choose "copy" and go to "Edit - paste" instead of using shortcut key cmd C and cmd V. It has so far worked for me. Good luck!
  8. Thomas Bailey

    Thomas Bailey Bit poster

    We are now into October and no suggestions from Parallels in this issue

    Has anyone figured out a workaround to this problem? it just started happening to me as well, running Leopard.



    [email protected] Member

    Same problem. I upgraded to the latest Parallels Mac release, then installed SL.

    Copy/paste from Win to Mac does not work (although I can occasionally drag an attachment from Mac to an Outlook email to take -- even though one has to just sit and wait 5-10 minutes for it to finally decide to get off its arse and work)

    Drag/drop does not work either.

    Parallels is configured properly, and it isn't a cockpit error AFIK. I hope the Parallels team is working on this, because it seems to be a common problem without a common or forthcoming solution.

  10. Step Schwarz

    Step Schwarz Bit poster

    Wanted to update my original reply to say I just got a new iMac. Hoped the speed increase over my 4-year-old MacBook Pro would help with my copy/paste problem. It did not. Still can't copy/paste text from WinXP SP3 to Mac 10.6.1 the first time. Have to select, copy, deselect, select, copy -- then whatever I have in my Win clipboard is usually available to the Mac.

    If anyone here upgrades to Parallels 5 and sees improvement in copy/paste behavior, please let the rest of us know.

    [email protected] Member

    Interestingly, I have found that under just the right circumstance it will work.

    For example, if I open "My Documents" and browse to a folder and then try a Copy and Paste to the Mac side of the world it fails. But ... if I open the DRIVE (I'm running Parallels on a Bootcamp partition) and go through 'Documents and Settings' and browse all the way to the folder I can Drag/Drop into the Mac.

    Very strange. Something is very broken.

    [email protected] Member

    Under P5, everything has started working again as expected. Perhaps it was some sort of issue with Parallels Tools. Nonetheless, all now appears well.

    SL 10.6.1, XP

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