Some more problems running BootCamp/WINDOWS XP Pro in a VM

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by super_rep, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. super_rep

    super_rep Bit poster

    One of the programs I frequently use is DeLorme TOPO 6. This program runs perfectly in a native Boot Camp/Windows enviroment, including the use of bluetooth GPS and Firewire drives.

    When I use Parallels to start a VM and run Boot Camp/Windows/DeLorme TOPO. The program will start, but can't display maps in the 3D view. Instead it gives an error message that it can't start DirectX-- which TOPO uses for 3D. It will find the bluetooth, only if I plug in a USB2 bluetooth adaptor and turn off the APPLE built in bluetooth. The bluetooth properties will tell me that the GPS logger is present, but it can not be connected with.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to -- while using a VM/Boot Camp setup:

    1, Access DirectX in a Parallels VM/BootCamp?WINDOWS application?

    2. Get the bluetooth GPS logger to comunicate?

    I did fix the Firewire drive problem by moving all the WINDOWS files to a USB2 drive. Not the best solution, since I now have to carry two drives (one FW and one USB2) when I travel.

  2. Atomic_Fusion

    Atomic_Fusion Hunter

    Firewire and 3-d are not currently available in Parallels Desktop, and that is why you are having problems with them.

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