USB Dongle not recognized

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by DimitrisP, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. DimitrisP

    DimitrisP Bit poster

    I have Win XP SP2 with bootcamp on my macbook. I installed and run a software with licenses on a usb dongle. When I boot from Win XP it runs normally.
    When I use parallels desktop, the software want execute, and I get a message that the dongle is not properly connected. Any suggestions?
  2. DouglasL

    DouglasL Bit poster

    I have exactly the same problem.

    It is confined to 10.6 as I can run version 4.0.3846 on 10.5.8 and USB Dongles work fine.

    I've already submitted a problem report (ID 563877) on 9/22 but have not heard anything since.

  3. DimitrisP

    DimitrisP Bit poster

    I think there must be something missing in the Win Xp' s device manager, when the windows are loaded with parallels. Especially under Universal Serial Bus Controllers and Human Interface Devices. I believe that certain drivers are missing or not properly loaded when Windows run under parallels. I get the same problem not only with the USB donlge but also with several USB flash disk's I have tried.
    Is there any way that these drivers can be found and installed manually?
  4. DimitrisP

    DimitrisP Bit poster

    Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
  5. DimitrisP

    DimitrisP Bit poster

    I have just finished doing the following that I found on another thread. Unfortunately I still have the same problem.
    I would request you to perform below steps:
    1. Click on the below link to download the DMG file of latest update of Parallels:
    2. After downloading the DMG file, open it and choose uninstall and make sure to select "Application Settings" while uninstalling.
    3. Then open the same DMG file and choose install.
    4. Launch Parallels Desktop and start Windows.
    5. Uninstall Parallels Tools from add or remove programs(start menu/control panel), after uninstalling, restart Windows.
    6. Install Parallels Tools from virtual machine tab on top menu bar.
    Thank You.
    Parallels Team"

    [email protected] Member

    Not working here either. No USB devices work in Win XP SP3. Add this to the inability to freely move files from Win to Mac apps/folders (with the latest P4 and SL) and we have ourselves a real honest to goodness problem.
  7. Blackacre

    Blackacre Bit poster

    Seeing the exact same problem here. I was using a USB-Serial connector last night to do some work on a HAM Radio. Then this morning I let parallels update... No more USB-Serial connector. All I see from windoze is an "Unknown Device" appear when I plug in the USB-Serial connector. Guess I will use time machine tomorrow and roll back to a known good parallels...this one is not cutting it.
  8. Blackacre

    Blackacre Bit poster

    Wow...SOLVED! I could have sworn I tried this yesterday when I was having this problem...

    What worked for me was revisiting the kextstat outputs... I had tried to unload what I thought were relevant kext(s) but apparently I picked the wrong ones. To find my little kext I did the following:

    # sudo kextstat
    I noticed after looking at many lines that the following line existed...
    126 0 0x5b709000 0x7000 0x6000 nl.bjaelectronics.driver.PL2303 (1.0.0d1) <84 39 12>

    The PL2303 got my attention right away because it is the driver I use on the Mac side to make my USB-Serial cable work. My fix was to unload that kext after checking my USB configuration for the vindoze guest and making sure the USB Serial connection was not automatically joined.

    The command I used was:
    # sudo kextunload -b nl.bjaelectronics.driver.PL2303

    After that I plugged in the USB-Serial cable and viola' the USB-Serial cable was recognized. I had already installed the drivers from before I upgrade to 4.0.3648 so it recognized it right away.

    This is still a kludge of a workaround but I guess I will have to live with it for now. It would sure be nice to understand or have one of the c:\windows\inf\oem(nn).inf files that seem to come with parallels to map to the pl2303 kext. fwiw parallels team I've submitted a request for service on this...

    Hope someone gets some use out of this.

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