I doubt it will help. In any case, be 400 MB the VM RAM or Total for all VMs, it shouldn't eat 1+Gig or 500 MB. Usually, one VM needs the amount of RAM assigned for this particular VM plus ~50 MB.
Can you tell us what do you usually do inside your VM? What's the guest OS version? What is your Mac name and OS X version? Any specific operations? Do you use Coherence? Shared Folders? Anything unusual you might think leading to such memory leak?
I would appreciate if you double your reply to [email protected] mailbox, I can start officially investigating the problem in this case.
Best regards,
PS: Writing from XP SP2 running on Mac Book C2D inside Parallels Desktop build 3120 for about two days already. 384 MB assigned to the VM, 360 MB real memory is actual usage.
Last edited: Jan 10, 2007