Parallels Tools Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by prioret, Apr 17, 2009.

  1. Mike Lee

    Mike Lee Bit poster

    Succesful Install with downgraded xorg

    I was able to follow the directions here to downgrade the xorg. Once I did that I was able to successfully install the Parallels tools.
  2. Jay Carroll

    Jay Carroll Bit poster

    ^^ worked for me too
  3. M-Rick

    M-Rick Bit poster

  4. jimcoyle

    jimcoyle Hunter

    Okay, so it's been more than six weeks for this "critical" issue....
  5. Claudiu

    Claudiu Bit poster


    I'm new to Mac and, have just purchased a Parallels Desktop 4.0

    I'm a bit (more) disappointed that the Parallels Tools doesn't install on the most popular Linux distribution, and... way long after the official release :(

    Please, Parallels, make this work. I've tried a demo of VMware Fusion and works flawlessly with Ubuntu.

  6. mgi

    mgi Bit poster

    Hi. So how it looks? Still nothing? I am disapointed from this attitude. We have support of some useless W7 before it is official released as stable and waiting 2 months for official released Ubuntu. Is there possibility to give back my license and refund money?
  7. David Rowe

    David Rowe Bit poster

    Re: The delay in support for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

    Readers may be interested in the following, concerting Parallels support for Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 last year. I have extracted these messages from these support forums: (All dates are UK style, i.e. dd/mm/yyy)

    Release of Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron
    First user complaints that Parallels Desktop does not support Ubuntu 8.04 properly
    Release of Parallels Desktop 3.0 Build 5600 (US version) – However Ubuntu 8.04 is not supported.
    John@Parallels writes: “For now situation is follows, build 5604 contains partial support for Parallels Tools, in build 5608 those tools removed and fixed Parallels Tools will be available in next buildâ€
    John@Parallels replies “Please temporary use build 5604, this is till we provide fully compatible toolsâ€
    Release of Parallels Desktop 3.0 Build 5608 (US version) However Ubuntu 8.04 is not supported.
    John@Parallels writes: “For now there is no[w] build which supports Ubuntu 8.04
    In response to further queries about the availability of full support for Ubuntu 8.04, John@Parallels replies: “I will answer in 2-3 days, please remind if I missâ€
    In response to further prompts, John@Parallels replies: “I didn't forget we haven't had meeting yet, hope this week.â€
    In response to further prompts, John@Parallels replies: “We have some problems,it is hard to say as I promissed, but still some work is to be done.â€
    A user writes: “Any news on that build that will support Ubuntu 8.04 and other newer linux flavors? I know it was tentatively expected in july . . . but we're coming up on Sept now. Any new expected dates?
    John@Parallels replies “I asked QA to provide build as soon as possible.â€
    John@Parallels writes: “Build 5624 with fixed Parallels Tools , as promisedâ€
    A user reports “I have the latest Parallels build (5624) and am trying to install parallels tools onto a VM of Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex Beta. I am getting an error telling me that it is not compatible with Xorg 1.5â€
    John@Parallels replies: “I suppose you need to try Parallels Server , which is prototype of Parallels Desktop version 4 - Server comes with 2 month demo, Developers are working on new build, but I do not know ETA for nowâ€
    Full Release of Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex
    Release of Parallels Desktop 4.0 Build 3522.
    This is a paid upgrade – but there are many improvements. Both Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 are now supported. I don't know if PD3 ever supported Ubuntu 8.04.

    I leave readers to draw their own conclusions - but to me, it is all to much like the movie 'Groundhog Day'.
  8. galahad

    galahad Bit poster

    VMFusion works --

    for all those who want a working vm with sharing file support with jaunty I suggest vmfusion. I have paid versions of both but After this I will seriously consider my alternative if /when an upgrade is provided

    below is the link for getting file sharing( vmhgfs) to work very easily with vmfusion. i have done it and now vmfusion works flawlessly in every respect with jaunty .
  9. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    If you're going to suggest another Virtualization product that works with Ubuntu 9.04, at least suggest Virtualbox which is free and open source, and because it's open source you are much more likely to have it working with the latest versions of Linux distros.
  10. bschultz77

    bschultz77 Bit poster

    I'm pretty disappointed in this as well. The Parallels team has awful turn around for the Linux updates.
  11. galahad

    galahad Bit poster

    I would but virtualbox has no sharing file support vmhgfs. At least not that I can work out. I want to be able to share files between virtual Linux box and mac os. Vmfusion does this vitual box does not. If it does please let us know. I have search and not been able to get it to work. Only can do this under vmfusion as far as I can tell
  12. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    In the world of real machines, UNIX machines use NFS to share files and folders, or you can even use SMB (samba). The idea here is that the guest and the host are like two machines on the same LAN, and every (local) network method of sharing files applies in the same way in virtual machines as it does with real machines.
  13. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Also, from Virtualbox's page: "Shared folders. Like many other virtualization solutions, for easy data exchange between hosts and guests, VirtualBox allows for declaring certain host directories as "shared folders", which can then be accessed from within virtual machines."
  14. thorby

    thorby Member

    I did not know about VirtualBox. Thank you. I have downloaded it and tested it with an Ubuntu 9.04 iso image. It seems to work smoothly. Cursor is global, changing shape as it crosses between the guest OS window and the host desktop, and keyboard focus moves appropriately. Also I have been able to share a folder between MacOS X 10.5.7 and Ubuntu.

    In order to make cursor/keyboard sharing work you install the VBox "Guest Additions" as documented here ( which is somewhat more complicated than the Parallels Tools installation -- but it works with Ubuntu 9. In order to make folder sharing work, see this howto (, again somewhat more complicated in that you have to learn the many parameters of the mount command, but again, it works now.

    I figure to continue using Parallels to run Windows XP guests, at least for the present, but I will use VirtualBox for Linux guests exclusively.
  15. Bill Rising

    Bill Rising Member

    This wouldn't be bad if it really were like the movie, because everything eventually turns out better than before. Of course, it took how many repeated days for that to happen?

    I think Parallels should fess up that there is only 1 developer per platform.
  16. Dirk Hennberg

    Dirk Hennberg Bit poster

    So people actually discuss Parallels alternatives here (which really should be an obvious sign for them being unsatisfied with the product), this thread has over 12.000 views. No sufficient information from parallels, no workaround, no timeline. I have checked prices for Fusion myself, and it would really be a shame to switch, since PD is a fine product. At the moment I don't see any other options if this problem is not solved in a timely manner.
    So what is the official status-quo here? Not supported in Parallels Desktop 4 at all? Or someday? If the latter, how long are we supposed to wait? Will there be an update which is more of an upGRADE, for which the customer has to pay?
  17. M-Rick

    M-Rick Bit poster

    Incredible 1 month has spent and still nothing !!

    and no communication from Parallels team !

    it shows how serious they are and how how much they care ...

    it's time to move somewhere else now.
  18. M-Rick

    M-Rick Bit poster

  19. Bernhard.parallels

    Bernhard.parallels Member

    Please, Parallels act!
  20. KyleP

    KyleP Bit poster

    Still waiting?...

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