Parallel 4.0 Old 3D Game Won't Run

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by lukeailanjian, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. lukeailanjian

    lukeailanjian Bit poster

    I Spent a good 2-3 hours installing 4.0 over my previous 3.0, just so I could finally play Age of Mythology in my dorm room when im bored. On 3.0 I got the game to "run" but the graphics were extremely messed up alot was black and the colors were all off etc. Now on 4.0, I cant even get it to go that far. Even though I've done the "enable 3D accelerator" and installed parallel tools etc. Right when the game is about to start up it gives this message

    This graphics card is not supported by Age of Mythology. Please check for a list of supported graphics cards. Age of Mythology will now exit.
    and then it shows this message right underneath it.
    Video Card 0: prl_vadd.dll Parallels Video Adapter Vendor(0x1AB8) Device(0x4005)

    I have a brand new Macbook Pro i dont see how the graphics card could not be strong enough to run AoM.
    PLEASE help this is extremely frustrating with all the time I put into it.
  2. jnimmo

    jnimmo Junior Member

    Best Answer
    Age of Mythology working on Parallels 4

    Hi there,

    I too was disappointed when AOM wouldn't play on Parallels - but I have a solution.
    Attached is a ZIP file containing two GFX files.

    These files are just text files, that allow Age of Mythology to recognise the Parallels video driver.
    By dropping these files into the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology\gfxconfig and gfxconfig2 folders, you will be able to run AOM through Parallels.

    Feel free to tweak the 0x1AB8_parallels.gfx file - you can specify custom resolutions etc in there, as well as lots of other features.

    I got the idea from awittenauer.

    Unless you use the arrow keys to move around the map, it seems like you want to have the AOM game resolution equal to your screen resolution. Also multiple monitors doesn't seem to work the best with it.

    I'm really surprised by how well it runs!
    This may of course work for other games if you can find a folder containing GFX files.


    Attached Files:

    JoseA52 and OmarA9 like this.
  3. mouserider

    mouserider Bit poster

    I have a similar problem trying to run Final Fantasy XI.

    It ran perfectly on v3 before final two builds and worked with some bad rendering errors on the last two builds.

    Excited with the new DirectX features, I immediately upgraded just to find that not it is totally broken and FFXI simply reports that DirectX isn't installed.

    3D is turned on so it's something else.

    I'm impressed with the speed ups but I must say this is a little bit of a let down that something that worked has deteriorated to the point where it is now totally broken.
  4. AgentMax

    AgentMax Junior Member

    Same problem here.
    The game (Trials 2, Steam) displays a fault that its not able to find a DirectX9 gfx card :(
  5. Flagg

    Flagg Hunter


    if a game was running properly in Parallels Desktop 3 and got messed up by installing Parallels Desktop 4, this may be caused by the fact that hardware, video cards for instance, is emulated in a different way in the newer version. A reinstall of the games in question might fix the issue. I understand, that this may be a painful experience to do for games running off Steam, but that would be the safest bet.

    Also, please check if your games are on the list of supported games:

    You might want to post a game request for Parallels Desktop 4 in this thread as well:
  6. jnimmo

    jnimmo Junior Member

    Best Answer
    Age of Mythology working on Parallels 4

    Hi there,

    I too was disappointed when AOM wouldn't play on Parallels - but I have a solution.
    Attached is a ZIP file containing two GFX files.

    These files are just text files, that allow Age of Mythology to recognise the Parallels video driver.
    By dropping these files into the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Mythology\gfxconfig and gfxconfig2 folders, you will be able to run AOM through Parallels.

    Feel free to tweak the 0x1AB8_parallels.gfx file - you can specify custom resolutions etc in there, as well as lots of other features.

    I got the idea from awittenauer.

    Unless you use the arrow keys to move around the map, it seems like you want to have the AOM game resolution equal to your screen resolution. Also multiple monitors doesn't seem to work the best with it.

    I'm really surprised by how well it runs!
    This may of course work for other games if you can find a folder containing GFX files.


    Attached Files:

    JoseA52 and OmarA9 like this.
  7. jnimmo

    jnimmo Junior Member

    Screenshot of AOM working

    Sorry I forgot to include a screenshot :)

    BNSMITH Bit poster

    jnimmo's solution works great!!

    This made it work on Parallels for me! James is the man! If you can't run Age of Mythology because it doesn't recognize the parallel graphics then follow the instructions adjust a few settings in the game options and you'll be good to go! It looks great too!
  9. jnimmo

    jnimmo Junior Member

    If people are having problems downloading the files from the forum, I have posted them up to my blog so you can download without requiring registration.
    Click here for the direct link.
  10. svenwiener

    svenwiener Bit poster

    Problems by customizing resolutions and ussing full screen


    the gfx files work fine for me, too. But I have a MacBook Pro with 1680x1050 and an iMac with 2550x1440. I customized the 0x1AB8_parallels.gfx by adding and by replacing my resolutions in the resolutions-section, but AOM don't show them in the options Menu.

    Has anybody an idea how to use my resolutions and make it possible to use the full screen?

  11. nihatk

    nihatk Bit poster

    this solved my pro
  12. afef`f

    afef`f Bit poster

    Thanks for this! AOM worked but i have some concerns:

    1. Click and drag doesn't show the selection rectangle
    2. Minimap doesn't show the notifications as well as the square-like selection

    Is there any way to fix this? :)

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