This has been an issue since I upgraded to Parallels 4. I've been watching forums though and no one seems to be posting about it which leads me to believe that maybe I'm the only one with this problem. (Or is it that it just doesn't bother anyone else?) When running Windows XP SP2 in Windowed or Full Screen mode, a maximized window will cover the Start Menu/ Task bar. Does any one know how to keep it visible? I know pressing the 'Windows' key will make the start menu appear but it's just annoying that it doesn't work like this in Windows normally. Thanks in advance!
Hi Blackbrick, This is occurring as the auto hide taskbar option is enabled. So we have to disable it. Right click on the Windows Taskbar => Properties => Uncheck the option " Auto Hide the Taskbar " => check the option " Lock Taskbar " => Click Apply => Click OK. This should fix the issue.
oops Hi Peter, I just re-read your reply... it was actually the 'keep the taskbar on top of other windows' option which fixed my problem (in the same place as the auto-hide option.) thanks again for the help!
confirmed I also noticed this problem starting with the upgrade to Parallels 4. And the solution also worked for me: right-click the taskbar, click Properties, and click "Keep the taskbar on top of other windows." Thanks!