No keyboard or mouse!!

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Rickardo77, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. Rickardo77

    Rickardo77 Bit poster

    I recently installed Parallels Desktop 4.0 on my MacBook and created a virtual machine using my existing Boot Camp partition. Upon starting the VM, I was prompted to re-activate windows, which would be fine except my mouse and keyboard are compeltely unresponsive within Windows!! I get stuck on the activation prompt and can't do anything to get past it. I tried external keyboard/mouse with no luck.

    I thought maybe somebody else has run into this problem???

  2. arm

    arm Bit poster

    Had the same problem. Try to reset windows in the Virtual machine menu. While windows reboots, click in the window until the mouse is captured. It worked for me. Then cancel all the windows-dialogboxes, and the prosess will continue (I hope).
  3. galochka

    galochka Hunter


    We created ticket for you, please wait and our engineer will contact you shortly.
  4. Rickardo77

    Rickardo77 Bit poster

    Thanks, problem solved!.. I had to re-install Parallels and reset about 20 times, but it finally worked. Haven't had the problem since.
  5. MizzouTiger

    MizzouTiger Junior Member

    I'm having the same problem. I installed Parallels 3.0 and then started installed Windows XP. Had several issues during Windows install - the Windows install would get so far and then would start over. Finally got it installed. started going through the Windows update and having trouble installing Service Pack 2 and other updates.

    Then I got the bright idea of re-installing Windows inside the virtual machine. I was in Parallels and then inserted the Windows install CD. I selected to re-install. Everything seemed to be going okay, but then I tried to install Parallel Tools and that's when I seemed to have lost the mouse and keyboard in Windows. I have tried resetting the Virtual Machine several time, but still no mouse or keyboard. I am totally stuck now. Can anyone help?

    I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling Parallels, but apparently that doesn't remove the Windows operating system install from previous. I was hoping when I reinstalled Parallels that it would reprompt me to install Windows through Parallels. Is there any way to have it do that?

    Edit: I tried to delete the virtual machine but when I open up the virtual machine the delete option in the file pulldown menu is grayed out and cannot be selected. I'm assuming this is because Parallel Tools hasn't been installed, which I can't do because I have no mouse or keyboard in the virtual machine. Is there another way to manually delete the virtual machine off of the Mac?

    Edit #2: I found out how to delete a virtual machine manually. Simply go to your documents and find the Parallels folder and delete it. I then uninstalled Parallels and got my mouse and keyboard back. The problem I'm now having is that when I'm trying to go through and install the windows update for SP2, I get an "invalid data" error, then a message that since all of SP2 did not install properly, Windows XP may not work properly -- and it didn't. Restarted the virtual machine and would keep in a error loop when trying to restart. I deleted the virtual machine and uninstalled Parallels 3.0 and gave up for now.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2009

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