Build 4.0.3810 Can't run coherence mode

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by jhtoddd, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. jhtoddd

    jhtoddd Bit poster

    I'm running Parallels 4.0 on a MacBookPro with 10.5.6. I just downloaded and installed Build 4.0.3810.

    It appeared to install and seems to be working. I did get the message "Unable to switch to the coherence mode. Check the automatically capture and release the mouse pointer option in the virtual machine configuration and try again."

    I couldn't find a place with that exact wording. Under configure/modality I did check "capture keyboard and mouse." I still get the error message about not being able to switch to coherence mode.

    What should I be doing?
  2. desgael

    desgael Pro

    This might mean that Parallels Tools are not installed, you can also try to reinstall them, just in case.

    Also, this might be related to a mouse model, check the following Kb article for more details.

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Tools version

    I had similar problem: Coherence didn't work in XP. Tools sometimes didn't work in windows mode either.

    I installed an older version of the tools from a 4.0 build and it made coherence work again. I think it's an issue with the latest version of coherence.

    It did work with Windows7 though.

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Unable to switch to the coherence mode

    I get the same message "Unable to switch to the coherence mode" and I even found the place where to check "automatically capture and release the mouse pointer". I tried both, checked and not checked (the state can be only changed with the virtual machine suspended or stopped) - it does NOT help! I tried as well, as suggested, to re-install Parallel Tools - it does NOT change anything. Finally I found the cited Kb article as well - it did NOT help - and, anyway, I use the MacBook Pro trackpad and/or a wireless Mighty Mouse from Apple, no Logitech or other 3rd party product.

    I consider seriously switching back to Parallels 3, as I cannot see ANY advantage in the update with a coherence mode NOT working and an additional fancy viewing mode not allowing resizing the window, so useless.

    Please help to keep me as a believer in regular upgrades!



    [email protected] Bit poster

    Where did you find that older tools version? I have the same problem with a Macbook Pro, the latest MacOSX, and Windows XP in a virtual machine, and neither checking the suggested option, nor following the cited kb article, nor re-installing the tools did help ...

    Thanks a lot in advance!
  6. galochka

    galochka Hunter


    can you please send report to us, we will investigate the issue.

    Also please try to do the following:

    Start -> Control Panel-> System-> Hardware-> Device manger please check if ther are some devices with yeallow triangle. Right click on it and -> Properties -> Driver-> Update Driver

    [email protected] Bit poster

    I tried this, found a duplicate "Parallels Mouse Driver" (slightly different naming), one of them with a yellow marker and an exclamation mark, which I tried to update, which failed, it changed name then to Microsoft PS2 mouse or so, and I decided to uninstall it. However, although there are no yellow markers anymore, and only one mouse driver (the parallels one), the problem persists ...

    [email protected] Bit poster

    it works - finally

    Uninstalling the drivers with a yellow marker did not help immediately: I still got the same error message with the hint to check the option mentioned before. So I suspended the virtual machine to be able to check that option - which I found already checked (as expected) - so I thought I have lost. I do not know what exactly I did then, quitting Parallels or resuming/restarting the virtual machine without quitting Parallels, but all the sudden the coherence mode works! So the remedy given here by Parallels does the job, one only needs to do kind of a clean restart afterwards.


  9. vlj9r

    vlj9r Bit poster

    Same problem here with the latest build. I've tried removing the logitech control panel from my mac, reinstalling Parallel tools and nothing seems to ressolve the problem.

  10. vlj9r

    vlj9r Bit poster

    After removing parallel tools, restarting and re-installing parallel tools I was finally able to use the coherence mode. The downside to this work around is that I had to re-activate XP using the phone method.
  11. smccord

    smccord Bit poster

    I cannot get PDMU4021 - build 4.03810 to load. Indicates it is downloading them crashes and tells me to contact Parallels support.

    Please advise.
  12. punintended

    punintended Junior Member

    I too, am having this problem - it seems after the last round of Windows updates (my employer applies them religiously). I figured it out (based on other forum posts), replaced the mouse PS/2 driver with 'Parallels Mouse Synchronization Device' however 'Parallels Synchronization Tool' was also listed as an option - which is correct? What does each do?

  13. Brad Thompson

    Brad Thompson Bit poster

    I can't run coherence also--tryed updating-no go

    --Instead can I just uninstall the items in the devices that hae the exclamation marks and just restart, will the windows just reinstall good versions from the drivers with the exclamation marks, which are pci devices and video controller?


  14. Fabrice Chaumard

    Fabrice Chaumard Bit poster

    Come back to the previous windows mouse driver

    I had the issue. To resolve the mouse synchronization problem:
    Windows - control panel - mouse.
    In driver, reinstall the previous one (meaning the standard driver from windows)
    Reboot windows and coherence should work again.
  15. David Morganstein

    David Morganstein Bit poster

    I was successful after doing two things. First, I had to install the Microsoft Intellimouse 2 driver update (v 6.3). Altho my Intellimouse seemed to work fine in Parallels 3 w/o need for a driver installation, when I upgraded to v4, the cursor would not move from the Parallels screen to the MacDesktop w/o the ctrl-opt click. Second, I had to uninstall the Parallels tools, restart and reinstall. Now my mouse transfers from Parallels screen to Mac desktop and back (w/o the control option keys) and coherence works fine.
  16. David Morganstein

    David Morganstein Bit poster

    Success by uninstalling and reinstalling

    I was able to get Coherence working and to have the mouse move the cursor from the Parallels window to the Mac desktop and back by uninstalling the Parallel Tools, restarting and then reinstalling. Multiple attempts at just installing didn't do it.
    It's possible that the installation of the Intellimouse 2 driver was also needed. I did both. To my knowledge, I had not had to install Intellimouse in Parallels3. After the update to 4, these problems arose.
  17. Ronald Wilk

    Ronald Wilk Junior Member

    I was just about to update my new install of the boxed version of P4 (build 3522) when I came across your post. It stopped me dead in my tracks!
    Coherence mode seems to work in the above, older build, however, there is a delay before it becomes available for use ... 20-30 seconds or so after windows XP boots onto the Parallels desktop. Is that a common experience?
  18. David Freedman

    David Freedman Bit poster

    cant enter coherence mode

    Everytime i boot, i need to re-install parallel tools for the coherence mode to work (greye'd out unless i re install)]
    tried everything regarding mouse drivers, etc...
    What's up? what can i do?
  19. Ronald Wilk

    Ronald Wilk Junior Member

    Try updat in to the latest build. I initially thought that I was experiencing the same problem that you are with the stated build but later realized that there was an exceptionally long time lag between the appearance of the Parallels desktop and the PTools load ... Coherence was enabled when the Tools eventually loaded. My workaround was to change the initial startup to "window" mode and now, I rarely use coherence.

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