PD 4 First time install, windows won't respond to mouse or keyboard

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by srawrats, Feb 9, 2009.

  1. srawrats

    srawrats Bit poster


    I'm trying to install PD 4.0 on my mac but the install is giving me problems. During the install process (first time) it's comes to a point where it says
    and together with that some stuff about your autoplay settings, if it doesn't load automatically you need to run the CD from "My computer." Ok, clear.

    So what happens now is that I see my windows with a window in it that new hardware is found. In an attempt to check it out, or just to get the configuration process going, I try to work in windows but it doesn't respond to my mouse and keyboard. With ctrl+alt I can go back to OS X but in windows it doesn't do anything...

    What's wrong here? Anyone who experienced this too? Hope someone can help me out with this :)

    Attached Files:

  2. arm

    arm Bit poster

    I had the same problem. I took a Reset from the Virtual Machine-menu. Then I tried to click on the windows window many times while windows rebooted. As last, the mouse was captured by windows. I could cancel the dialogboxes and then the prosess continued. No I am ut and go.
  3. srawrats

    srawrats Bit poster

    Thanks for your reply :)

    Well I've got past the configuration now. The way I did was to stop the VM, went into the preferences of PD and under "USB" I chose to always connect detected usb devices to the virtual machine. By doing this it got past the part where usually got stuck (the manual configuration part) and finished all the way to step 4/4.

    Now windows is just booting the way it should but I still have the mouse problem. But this time PD itself actually said there was a problem with "mouse synchronization" and that I should reinstall something. This is now the next problem but I think it's not to hard to pass...
  4. jlefevre1

    jlefevre1 Junior Member

    I had the exact same problem. Finally after hours on the phone with tech supports, which I had to pay for and no resolution, and after having to pay $50.00 to purchase and download another version of version 4, I am out 80.00, 6 hours of my time, a promise that Level 2 support needs to help but I cannot get level 2 on the phone (which I have paid for), and I am stuck. Everything works right now except the mouse. I can plug and uplug it and Iwill get a screen that asks which machine needs to use the mouse. If I give it to the windoze machine I can use windoze just fine. I have to unplug it and plug it back in and then select Mac to get it back there.

    I am fairly convinced that the problem is on the windoze mouse drive. Ther are two listed and the VM additions ps2 mouse driver shows an error and is inactive. The other mouse driver is the active one and is working. I am thinking about removing the VM mouse driver and reinstalling but where would I get a driver.

  5. srawrats

    srawrats Bit poster


    So you're saying that windows works just fine except for the fact that you can't release your mouse (with ctrl+alt) from the VM? If you want to get your mouse back to OS X you'd have to unplug the mouse > plug it back in again > PD asks you where you want to use the mouse > OS X and then you have control of the mouse again?

    There are 2 mice listed where actually? Windows device manager? If it's just a regular PS2 mouse then windows has the drivers itself, you should be able to let the system search for drivers automatically and then you're done. If there's 2 mice, why not disable one of the two and see if that works? If one doesn't work then how about trying the other one? (again, you should be able to install a missing mouse driver with just windows itself)

    I have everything up and running now. I chose reinstall Parallels tools from the virtual machine menu, saw windows actually install a few things, it rebooted after that and my mouse works now. Ctrl+alt to release too...
  6. jlefevre1

    jlefevre1 Junior Member

    Tried That

    The two mice listed are in the windows device manager. One is the VM additions PS/2 mouse. It shows and inactive with a fault of some sort. I deleted it. The other is sometihing else and it is the one that allows the mouse to work. If aI delete it the mouse stops. I tried deleting both and then restarting windows. They are both automatically read added. Tried reinstalling parallel tools.

    None of the above works. I can use the mouse in windows or in Mac but not in both. In windows is stops at the edge of the windows VM area. In Mac I can move it anywhere but when I click inside the Windoze VM it disappears and I have to unplug and re plug to select what I want.
  7. srawrats

    srawrats Bit poster

    Hmm.. well.. ok that sucks then.

    The one mouse which gives an error in the device manager, what kinda error does it say it is? Probably not a missing driver then I guess...
  8. jlefevre1

    jlefevre1 Junior Member

    Mouse drivers

    The working driver is called HID - compliant mouse

    The non working one is VM additions PS/2 port mouse

    driver date is 3-11-2004

    error message

    This device cannot start (code 10)

    I am convinced that parallels tools is not installing the correct mouse driver. But reinstalling tool isn't going to fix it. If I knew what the correct driver was and were it was I might could install in manually.

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