Bootcamp Startup Mess

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by MBX, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. MBX

    MBX Member

    hi all

    it was all fine until today and then when i wanted to start directly in bootcam and chose "profile1" it only started until the password window and i couldn't type in anything, the keyboard was like disabled. also the resolution was very low, usually it was always highest like my latest bootcamp settings.

    starting up via parallels in os-x worked fine but i needed to start up directly in bootcamp. and it doesn't work anymore. either it hangs up already on the profile selection menu or at the windows login window.

    so i uninstalled beta2 and when i tried to install and run beta3 it told me i first have to uninstall parallels tools (that were from beta1) in order to run beta3. so how can i uninstall it if i can't startup into windows either way?
    re-installing beta2 again didn't work either. it again asked for uninstallation of the from beta1 even though it worked previously.

    what can i do?
    i wish i could start up directly in bootcamp but it seems something messed it up.

    any suggestions on these issues highly apperciated!

    thanks in advance
  2. chrisj303

    chrisj303 Member

    My honest opinion would be do delete anything to do with parallels of your system, wipe ypur bootcamp partition, then do a clean install of XP (under bootcamp).
    This beta seems to have caused nothing but hassle for 90% of people on this forum.
    I spose it comes down to which out of the two (bootcamp/parallels) you want or need the most, certainly with this release.
  3. nycruza

    nycruza Hunter

    What a bunch of BS! :mad:

    Over 18,000 downloads of the Beta and if there are 1000 complaints that's not even 1%.
    This is a FORUM! What do you expect to read on a FORUM especially a BETA!!!
    You do understand BETA don't you!
    No I don't believe you do!
    90% of those having problems cannot follow even basic instructions or comprehend what they are reading.

    Fact: For those wanting to use Boot Camp, each successive release has been an improvement ovee the previous version. Are there problems - most definetely! Will there continue to be problems sure!


    But for 90% of my work with the program it is flawless for MY usage of windows! And the VAST MAJORITY using XP find it useable but requiring various degrees of tweaks.

  4. don montalvo

    don montalvo Hunter

    you don't get out much, do you? :)

  5. chrisj303

    chrisj303 Member

    WTF is that supppsed to mean?!:)

    Well, didn't get out much today - to busy restoring my crippled mac:)
  6. don montalvo

    don montalvo Hunter

    it means you need to check your language and attitude at the door. this is a beta program. the warnings and disclaimers were clear. if you installed beta software on a mission critical machine, how is that anyone else's problem?

  7. chrisj303

    chrisj303 Member

    Theres a difference between BETA and BROKEN...

    This is the latter.
  8. don montalvo

    don montalvo Hunter

    you need to understand what "beta" means in terms of software development cycle. then you need to be realistic and set expectation. if you can't handle beta testing, maybe you should wait for the final product to be released?

    A beta version or beta release usually represents the first version of a computer program that implements all features in the initial requirements analysis. It is likely to be useful for internal demonstrations and previews to select customers, but unstable and not yet ready for release. Some developers refer to this stage as a preview, as a technical preview (TP) or as an early access. As the second major stage in the release lifecycle, following the alpha stage, it is named after the Greek letter beta, the second letter in the Greek alphabet.

    Often this stage begins when the developers announce a feature freeze on the product, indicating that no more feature requirements will be accepted for this version of the product. Only software issues, or bugs and unimplemented features will be addressed.

    Beta versions stand at an intermediate step in the full development cycle. Developers release either a closed beta or an open beta; closed beta versions are released to a select group of individuals for a user test, while open betas are to a larger community group, usually the general public. The testers report any bugs that they found and sometimes minor features they would like to see in the final version.

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2006
  9. chrisj303

    chrisj303 Member

    So in the future i shall expect nothing but total failure to boot.
    Then anything else will just be a bonus.

    I'm sorry, but up until now i've been pretty happy with parallels. But this release isn't just a "buggy" beta. It's JUNK, nothing less,certainly nothing more.
    Given the already sorry state of customer support for paying customers, i can't belive they unleashed this on us.

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2006
  10. don montalvo

    don montalvo Hunter

    read the article. you should wait for the final.

  11. chrisj303

    chrisj303 Member

    To be honest my biggest frustration, wasn't that it wasn't working. It was that there was/is no support on hand when it turns ugly.
    It's like they don't give a damn. Given up trying to phone, and E-mails are bounced back automatically.

    To an outsider looking in, with the thought of making a purchase - it dosen't look very good does it.?
    Most other companies would be s*******g themselves with responces to the MANY people who have had serious problems with this.And have PAID MONEY for support.

  12. don montalvo

    don montalvo Hunter

    you're not making any sense. there is no support for beta releases. do yourself a favor and stick to the last stable release (1979) and don't avoid the beta releases. you're obviously wound too tightly to think straight.


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