Hi. 1st I apologize for the length... thought it better to give as much info as possible... Working on a Mac book Pro Core Duo installed parallels more or less okay, tools and shared folder then windows xp. Seemed to be going well. Began installing additional software, setting up internet. Got to install of mouse software (I use a vertical mouse) and on restarting to continue with that install now windows once loaded appears frozen. I can see the cursor move, from mouse or track pad, but cannot click on anything. Not sure if the mouse software is relevant, but as is I cannot use windows xp at all. I have uped the memory to the max suggested 604MB. I checked the vm allotment it says 8000MB. I have no idea what else to do, or what the problem might be. I purchased parallels because I was having an issue with my partition and install there in windows - mainly connecting to local internet/sever at school - which means i could not access the printers. Was hoping parallels would give more efficency to my daily tasks, mainly for now using Autodesk software or other rendering software and printing. I can do all word processing and surfing on the mac. I had not yet installed my print station driver to see if the USB functioned for that or other devices. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. FYI I am not particularly technically adept so if you could dumb it down slightly, or be thorough in an explanation it might be better understood... In case you feel like this is a breeze here are a few other concerns Secondary to the above: if I get it up and running, I am concerned in using multiple software and particularly in the functionality of Maya 7 for PC use. Ideally I could run Auto CAD and illustrator simultaneously on parallels, but I have heard that multiple application use can be problematic. Also not sure if the graphics card issue will be a problem with Maya. Not needing to use that just yet - so this can wait.
I once had -massive- slowdown problems if I enabled the cd-rom but didn't have a cd in the drive. I think Parallels kept polling for a cd so it bugged everything down. There's been some reports of sound problems too. My suggestion would be to disable sound and the cd-rom then try booting again and see it that helps.
tried that... no luck thanks for your reply David. I tried disabling the CD/DVD and turning of the sound (by going into the edit function, un-clicking the enable box in both and restarting parallels as well as the mac). No luck. Still no functions work in windows though i can see everything almost like a screen shot. My cursor moves over it, and i can make it full screen, but other than that no functions. idears?
Do not install mouse software in Parallels. Install it in OSX only. Let OSX translate the mouse movements and pass them to Parallels which passes them via Parallels tools to Windows. Your best way out of this current problem is to start over and install Windows and do not install the mouse driver in Windows. It won't work. Mouse functions other than pointer movement, left, right, and wheel buttons, and scroll wheel movement will not work no matter what you do.
how to unistall? thanks for your reply. that seems reasonable enough. tried unistalling from the uninstall icon on the CD and the parallels icons disappeared supper quick - making me think that i didn't do it properly, but more so that when i went to reinstall it took another 2 sec. and came up to the icon immediately without going through the set up i did initially - asking me the format ect. so i am suspicious that I did it correctly... could someone verify? what else should I not load onto parallels? Any clue to my previous maya/software quesions? thanks again!
btw -- I read through the threads pertaining to uninstallation as well as all the docs. i could find on the internet... and I don't get it. I tried searching my machine and trashing the folders using the unistallation on the cd and then reinstalling, but it acts like nothing really happened aside from removing the icons. windows is still on the machine and still frozen. darn that mouse software. If i do get this thing to work, what do i do about print drivers? How do i print from PC software on my mac? thanks to whomever bothers to answer! j
The easiest thing is probably to delete the VM and start over. Create a new VM, install Windows, and move forward. You can probably uninstall that mouse driver, but would need a working Windows VM to do it. If you are playing around with files on your Mac hard drive to try to get it to work, you're on the wrong place since that isn't where the problem is. In general, don't install hardware specific drivers in Parallels (there are a few exceptions) but install Mac versions of the drivers and let the Mac run the hardware. User interface devices such as keyboard, mouse, and screen are emulated, and installing drivers for them in Parallels won't help since there is no guest access to the hardware. The guest sees emulated hardware for which Parallels provides Windows drivers via Parallels tools. You cant currently attach printer hardware (for the most part) directly to the guest. Set it up to work in OSX, share it on the network, and print over the network to it. You may have to install drivers in the guest, but these drivers are for network printing.