I am having two odd cursor problems with the latest build and with the latest Parallels Tools installed: 1) I have a dual monitor setup on my Macpro, with || (short for Parallels) running full screen on one monitor, and OSX on the other--my dream come true at last! However, in moving the from the OSX monitor to the || monitor, it is as if the cursor hung up on the edge of the screen from time to time, and would not make it over to the second monitor. But if I try 2-3 times, it always makes it over. But the reverse transition is always seamless 2) Running Photoshop CS on ||, I sometimes get a curious double cursor. As PS users know, every image tool has a unique cursor shape. But in ||, I have the regular arrow, at the tip of which is the tool cursor. This does not happen all the time, and while a bit distracting, does not really interfere with even delicate PS operations. But the team may want to look into it.
I can explain the cursor behavior for the first one, because I have the same basic setup (MacBook and external monitor), and experienced the same "cursor hanging on the edge of the screen" when trying to move from the OSX monitor to the monitor featuring Parallels. Here's the deal--one of the monitors (in my case, the one showing OSX) is larger than the other, right? What is happening is that you are trying to move the cursor off the edge of the screen at a point that is "lower" than the lowest edge of the second monitor. That's why it can't go any further. If you move the cursor higher up, and then try to move from one monitor to the next, you can do it. To determine how low you can go on the larger monitor, move the cursor all the way to the bottom of your smaller monitor, then move it into the larger monitor. Note the point where it reenters (it will be well above the bottom of the larger monitor). Unfortunately, I don't have an answer to your "double-cursor" issue. Anyway, hope this helped you some. Cheers!
Now (almost) all is well The mouse transition issue was apparently fixed in 1940, and the cursor transitions smoothly. The Photoshop cursor issue comes and goes during a given session. Sometimes it works as it should, other times, a double cursor appears. However, Photoshop otherwise runs like the wind.