Click on inactive Parallels VM window should select VM only?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by xochi, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. xochi

    xochi Member

    I've run into this problem a couple of times now. Running Parallels in windowed mode, I am using another Mac OS X application. At some point, I want to get back to my Parallels window. I click into the parallels window, and discover that I've accidentally pushed a button on the Vista screen.

    I think that Parallels should, like other Mac OS X apps, not allow you to perform an action without first brining the VM window to the front. First click selects the window only. After that you can click buttons.

    On further research, it appears that OSX is inconsistent here. For example -- click an inactive finder window's folder disclosure triangle (in list view), and the folder will expand and the window won't be activated. However, if you click a disc volume eject button, nothing happens, but the window comes to the front. Hmm.

    Thoughts? What is the correct behavior? Should parallels use the first click to do an action, or just bring the window forward?
  2. xochi

    xochi Member

    This is particularly annoying in Vista, since it uses these stupid nearly full-width AUC buttons which don't look like buttons (until you have accidentally clicked them).
  3. murphy

    murphy Member

    Click on the Parallels icon in the Dock to select the Parallels window.
  4. xochi

    xochi Member

    Of course, you can click the dock icon, but that's not the point -- Parallels should do the "right thing" when you click it's window. I'm pretty sure that Virtual PC (from which many of us are migrating) didn't accept the first click into an inactive window...

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