Internal build 1908 for Mac Pro and iMac Core 2 Duo - Mac RAM is unlimited

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by STim, Sep 21, 2006.


    [email protected] Junior Member

    Build 1908 hangs on Mac Pro 3Ghz-4Gig RAM.

    I just installed build 1908. Installed without any errors (and it reset RAM to 4-Gig correctly), but when I tried to run the VM with Windows XP, system hangs. Have to hard re-boot each time.

    Tried a second time, putting the system to sleep before running VM, and still go the same problem. It appears as if it is trying to load windows when it just locks up the entire system.
  2. dnanian

    dnanian Member

    I really don't understand what's changed between the "was failing with a Parallels crash log" runs and the "locks up the whole system" situation I'm back in now.

    The only real difference was a restart or two (when I tried to limit the memory to see if that helped). Other than that, I'm in exactly the same configuration, same perhpherals, everything.

    Parallels people -- I'm more than willing to supply additional information should you need it. But at this point I'm dead in the water.
  3. dnanian

    dnanian Member

    One more little bit of info. I tried what another user thought -- limiting application memory, turning VT-x off, disk caching policy to OSX, acceleration to "Normal".

    No go. Still hangs nearly immediately when I click "Start" on the VM, mouse "stutter-moves" (barely), no disk access... dead, requiring power off reboot.

    Whee! :)
  4. auratus

    auratus Member

    Just a quick note here that on my Mac Pro 2x266 3GB and it's working just fine so far. I'm not using Windows though, my only VM is a FreeBSD 6.1 install. But, I just wanted to post that it's working fine.
  5. pastrychef

    pastrychef Member

    Using your method worked!!! Plus, I'm having the same problems with it crashes on reboot, restart, or shutdown.

    By the way, I'm running a Mac Pro 3GHz with 5GB RAM and the latest firmware.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  6. chadwick

    chadwick Bit poster

    So far, so good. I've got a 2x 2.66 GHz Mac Pro with 4GB of RAM and this build is working for me with 2 active VMs - one Ubuntu Linux and one Windows XP SP2.

    I DID erase my .pvs files for both VMs and recreated them after reading this thread just to avoid any issues, however.
  7. NutKracker

    NutKracker Junior Member


    dnanian, as I mentioned earlier - I'm having similar problems - however, I've just noticed that I didn't update the Parallel Tools. I've just done that, and I appear to be able to start up, pause, restart, reset, reboot the VM (WinXP SP2) and it appears to be behaving itself....???
  8. Pleiades

    Pleiades Member

    My 3GB 2.66GHz Mac Pro is happy. 1908 works just fine with the ability to access all the memory. I didn't check whether the VT-X issue is fixed. I assume not, but I went ahead and slept the computer before running Parallels.

    The only issue I had was a failure trying to run a second VM at the same time which never happened before. I'm not quite sure what was different. This time it complained about not being able to open the CD/DVD drive followed by a crash of the VM. Normally I'd expect a conflict with the CD/DVD drive since two computers are trying to get at it at the same time, but it never complained about that before and I hadn't changed any configurations except bumping Vista up to 1GB. Vista now starts up in 37 seconds. Not bad.
  9. proeder

    proeder Bit poster

    Build 1908 still freezes my Mac Pro


    the current build 1908 still chokes on my Mac Pro, i.e. the whole system slows down dramatically (mouse cursor very slow and jumpy) and my only option is to perform a forced power down.

    The choking happens after about 3 minutes of using Parallels at certain different situations including Windows XP (SP2) starting up and copying files from network.

    It also happened two times that Parallels unexpectedly quitted when I tried to access files on a shared folder. Browsing a shared folder does not quit Parallels, but accessing a file causes the unexpected quitting. In that situation, my Mac Pro is running fine, but I have to reboot to get rid of the crashed Parallels process, because "Force quit" or "kill -9" do not help.

    I have a Mac Pro 2 x 2.66 GHz with 4 x 512 MB memory. I am using Mac OS X 10.4.7 Build 8K1079. Parallels is running from a striped RAID consisting of two hard drives with 400 GB each. I am using Windows XP Professional SP2 as guest operating system to which I assigned 512 MB memory. I performed a clean install of parallels and also updated the Parallels tools inside the guest OS. Moreover, I checked that I have 1908 running and not a previous build.

    I had the choking problem with all previous builds of Parallels Desktop. I tried 1908, 1898, 1896.2, 1884 and 1848.

    Thank you for your help.

    Patrick Röder
  10. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    Small hint


    Please, don't forget making your Overall Memory Limit (Parallels -> Preferences) at least 20-30% larger then total amount of memory allocated for your VM's. Cause otherwise this will lead to awful swapping and may look like a kinda lockup.

    Let's say you running Vista with 1000mb of RAM. In this case your overall memory limit is recommended to be at least 1250 MB.

  11. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    There is no need of memory limitation with build 1908+ at all.
    Since now Parallels fully supports up to the 262,144 GB of RAM.

    Try turning off VT-x support in VM's configuration - please, report your results.

  12. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    Thanks dnanian,

    Unfortunately there is no our internal logging in that part of boot-up script.
    That is why it is hard to understand what caused that problem.

    We will add logging for future use and will try to reproduce this problem in our labs.

  13. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    As we've already stated, the problem with VT-x is unfortunately not related to our software.
    Parallels has no chance to fix it as VT-x is being locked by Apple firmware boot-up initialization.

    We've filed a bug with Apple and doing our best to resolve this problem.
    Sleep/Wake helps just because CPU's are being reinitialized there without VT-x lockup.

  14. mlh78750

    mlh78750 Bit poster

    Build working for me on iMac24 with core 2 duos

    The new build is working for me on a new iMac 24" with the core 2 Duo's. I am installing Fedora right now. Before the update I was getting a kernel panic the moment I started the VM. This build seems to be working fine so far. Thanks for the access to the prerelease build. Is there are ETA on the full build being released? And will "Check for updates" update to it if I am running this internal build?


  15. pastrychef

    pastrychef Member

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I'm running 1908... DVD Shrink quits once it tries to read a DVD. Direct it to an ISO image and it will run fine.
  16. SiskoKid

    SiskoKid Member


    We have the IDENTICAL issue with the exact same computer and I have used all of those versions of Parallels and they've all exhibited the same issue. Only my OS X build is 8K1124. Maybe our builds are somehow causing the problem?
  17. Fred

    Fred Junior Member

    Happy with more than 4GB memory.

    I have 1908 running on a MacPro with 5GB RAM. I can see all 5GB again and the 64bit version of my OS X apps run.

    I run the parallels VMs with VT-X turned off and normal acceleration.

    I have run two copies of XP and one Solaris 10 at the same time with apparent success.

    None of the VMs have direct network access - they all use the private internal network, the OS X network sharing for internet access and hide behind the OS X firewall.

    It would be nice to have some extra control on the firewall especially when trying to accommodate NFS traffic to/from a file server.
  18. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    Definitely will.
  19. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    could you please file a bug with your issue in our BugTracker system and post your BugNumber in this thread or privately by message to me - so I could personally follow up your bug issue. We're extremely interested in resolving your problem.


  20. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro


    could you please file a bug in our Bug Tracking system and post it to me privately so we can look at your issue in more details. We're highly interested in your issue.

    Thank you,


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