If you are getting that slow of speed somethng is set up incorrectly on your side. My transfer is going quite a bit quicker... BT is a bt different then kazaa... when more people download, things go FASTER not slower. Even "leachers" increase the overall speed, as one seeds before the download completes.
Things to check:
Bit torrent clients have an external "listening" port which must be open in order for the transfer to work. Make sure the port is open. If you have a router you have to "port forward" it from the router to your machine's IP, which means your machine must have a static IP behind your router. Make sure your ISP is not blocking the port also. I would also go to DSLreports and port-scan yourself while the BT client is running to make sure that the port is working. Sometimes ISP's block BT ports.The port number changes depending on which BT client you use, so check it's defaults to see which port you have to forward/check in your portscan.
Aso make sure you cap the upload at 2kb/s LESS then your max upload speed. For complicated reasons, BT does not like it if it is run uncapped. If you dont know your ACTUAL max upload/download speeds are then go to dslreports.com and check it, while nothing else is using the connection.
If you do these things it should go pretty quick.
I do not claim to be an expert on bit-torrent, but I did have to write a bit-torrent client for a class project... so I know a little bit about how it works.

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