No Sir I think you are missing the point... I tried to MAKE my maschines report that VT-X was disabled
Thas why I redid the whole firmware issue.. to try and force it
How come its disabled by defualt on yours but iI cant get 2 other maschines to do the same...
How come I cant get mines to do what yours does although I tried it on 2 maschines bought 3 weeks apart on 2 different contents..
I can boot both maschines and install the whole thing from scratch and it works...
I can boot it into native and the intel software tells me its enabled...
If my maschine and yours show different results, I boot mines with naked OS X (10.4.6) and it works, then as the OS & Parralles & the Firmware are the same... then somthing OTHER than the firmware is a miss here... pure logic..
So what else do you have loaded on your maschine ? (startup items, additional software) partiotions, os's) perhaps we should rule out everything else before calling wolf ..

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