Lost Internet Today

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by bobbyt, Aug 1, 2006.

  1. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    As of now my Parallels has completely lost the ability to access the internet.

    I've tried both host-only and bridged ethernet & both don't work. Bridged ethernet gives me an error that the network cable is unplugged...

    There are two things that happened today to my system today, one of which I have to assume is responsible for the loss of connection.

    The least likely is I upped my RAM from 512MB to 2G...

    The other is I installed the Mac OS X security update released today by Apple.

    Has anybody else installed this & did you loose interent following it? Anybody have any ideas (if this isn't what is causing it) what might be doing it? I've tried both pinging domain names AND IP addresses, and neither give me a response...

    I've rebooted the VM a few times, and my Mac a few times... At this point I'm kind of out of options as to what to check... :confused:
  2. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    Well, I guess I fixed it... I'm not sure what exactly did it.

    I switched between settings several times for the configuration. I also tried changing the device settings in XP. I also uninstalled & re-installed Parallels Tools (which didn't immedatly fix it)...

    Something must have worked, but I've no idea which... And being one of thoes did work I have even less of an idea why it stopped in the first place...

    But at least it seems to work now... :rolleyes:
  3. bobbyt

    bobbyt Hunter

    Interstingly enough I was able to replicate the loss of connection & the "fixing" of it.

    I lost the connection mainly due to my computer needing to be rebooted due to some kind of a lockup that I got tired of waiting to pass. When I booted parallels, the connection problem was back.

    Fixing it took the following steps:

    1. Shut down & switch from Bridged/Default to host-only & reboot.
    2. Shut down again & switch from Host-Only to Bridged/Default and manually choose the correct adapter.
    3. Shut down again & switch from the manual selection back to Default adapter.

    But it seems really odd to me that this allows me to get an internet connection but host-only doesn't work at all... :(

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