Well, personally I think they shouldn't be giving linux priority with Parallels Tools features over Windows 98, but there are a ton of people who disagree with me, including parallels at this point... Just because you personally see no benefits to a feature doesn't mean you need to attack the opinion of thoes who do...
And if seeing the battery level (in full screen mode) is only a 'click away', can you please inform me as to where this "click" is supposed to occur??? As of now I have to exit full screen mode to see my battery level, as I know of no other way to get the menu bar visible... And using this method right now takes around 20 to 30 seconds (to cycle out of & back in to full screen mode again). Doing that every few minutes, especially when the battery is beginning to get low, ends up being a major time waster (10 cycles of doing this can waste up to 5 minutes of time)...
And when taking time into account, especially when running on a battery, time is generally at a premium...
Last edited: Jul 31, 2006