Start Menu Coherence Bug

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Samiam303, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. Samiam303

    Samiam303 Bit poster

    When I put Parallels Desktop into Coherence mode, the main start menu takes two clicks to bring up the start menu. I understand this is normal, one to make Parallels the active program and a second to bring it up. However, if I choose to keep a windows program in the dock, it seems that every time I click the dock icon for that windows program, it opens the program but also pops the start menu up above the icon I click. It's not a huge deal, but it's pretty annoying. Anyone else had this?
  2. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    Thank you for report,

    this is a known bug that appears on some machines - we will resolve it in one of the upcoming hotfix updates.
    as a temporal solution, you can disable 'start menu in dock', if it's too annoying for you now.

  3. Samiam303

    Samiam303 Bit poster

    What menu do I disable that in? I'm honestly probably going to use my docked icons more than the start menu so it's a tradeoff I wouldn't mind making.
  4. Samiam303

    Samiam303 Bit poster

    This is sort of a related problem: I'm trying to run the Steam system in Parallels, and when you close a steam window it leaves the application in the windows taskbar. However, when I click on the main dock icon for Parallels to bring up the start menu, the first click to bring parallels to the front seems to also reopen Steam's window. If I've clicked on the taskbar steam icon since the time I closed the window, it pops up a context menu as though I clicked on that instead of a window popping up, but either way it's triggered when the main Parallels Desktop program is made active.

    I don't know if it happens in programs other than Steam since I just started using Parallels this afternoon, but it seems as though it's not making a distinction between the Parallels Desktop icon and any programs running within it.
  5. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Dock Icon
  6. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    Sort of (when related to the Start Menu).
    In some cases it really behaves that way, this is exactly the source of this bug.
  7. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Thank you. This is a bug& It will be fixed in the nearest update.

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