If I start a fresh install on the on my current bootcamp partition (via Parallels) will this potentially kill my current arrangement where i can hold the option key and choose betwen os x or xp pro?? osx is on a seperate disk on one big partition. XP is on another disk and has one partion shared with another os x (backup) partiion. jed
I do not recommend you to install windows via Parallels Desktop, better install directly on Boot Camp using Boot Camp assistant and after installation of windows on Boot Camp create new VM under Boot Camp partition.
Great, how am I going to do that? Apple no longer allows Tiger users to use Boot Camp, it's only for Leopard etc. I could probably work out how to do it without Boot Camp, but then I'd have to round-up all the drivers that it bundles together. I'd never have been in this position if I hadn't offerend to beta test PD4, sigh.... If only you'd seen the progression of my thread in the beta testing forum before it was abruptly cut off. You'd see where I'm coming from.... :-(
jay, how did you manage to arrange Boot Camp partition on Tiger then? It does not even support this option. Anyway installation of Windows on Boot Camp via Parallels will not cancel the function with "Alt" key and possibility to choose where to boot. And windows will work on VM under boot camp, but I can not guarantee that Windows will work fine if you boot directly to Boot Camp.
Because they did allow use of it for a while until Leopard came out.. See this is no good, i need some more solid help to ensure *everything* will work fine. PD4 got me in this predicament...
Foget it, spent 3-4hours, backing up what was in my broken install, doing a full reformat and reinstall on the same partition, upgrading to sp2, installing 1.4beta bootcamp, installing 2.0 bootcamp, upgrading to sp3, upgrading to 2.1 bootcamp, installing some finall windows updates, yadda yadda.... Now im back to square one. I;ve added my bootcamp install to PD4 and it's time to see what Pd4 does with my bootcamp install when i try to install parallels tools. I hope to god it doesnt butcher my installatrion again else ill be rather peeved. jed
jalyst, make sur eyou are installing the latest build of Parallels Desktop four - you can get it here: http://download.parallels.com/deskt...hotfix1/Parallels-Desktop-4.0.3540.209168.dmg
Have upgraded to 4.0.3540.209168 (22/11/08) Not brave enough to boot into my fresh bootcamp install via PD4 yet... I'm afraid it will hose my system again when it tries to install parallels tools! Hopefully this time it should be different, because it wont be trying to upgrade from PD3. Will try tomm night or Fri 7pm+ Aust EST...
It seems to have worked without issue this time... I've checked out my bootcamp install via pd4 & 'directly' and all looks okay... Now I can relax, thanks for your help! Cheers, Jed