Parallels 4.0 and Sleep

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by lurkingbf, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. lurkingbf

    lurkingbf Bit poster

    Unlike many, I have so far had a tremendously positive experience with the upgrade. the speed improvements alone are worth it.

    One small issue: since the upgrade, when I keep XP running in coherence mode (as I used to do with 3.x), my Mac Pro will no longer go to sleep on its own. It is set to sleep after half an hour of inactivity, but never does. As soon as I close Parallels down, it sleeps properly once again.

    Any ideas? Thanks.
  2. lurkingbf

    lurkingbf Bit poster

    Nothing? No ideas anyone? No one else either has, or has not, experienced this issue?
  3. bed42

    bed42 Junior Member

    I run parallels in full screen mode - and I have a similar issue. My MacBookPro won't sleep when parallels is running (even if the VirtualMachine isn't running).

    On a (perhaps) similar note, after shutting down my VM, I often can't quit Parallels. I have to force-quit it.

    Running the latest update - 3540
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  4. lurkingbf

    lurkingbf Bit poster

    Thanks for the response. I just tried an experiment in which I started Parallels but not the XP virtual machine. When I came back to my computer, it went to sleep properly.

    So the issue is either with XP when it's running, or with Parallels and XP once XP has run. More experiments required...
  5. bed42

    bed42 Junior Member

    Agreeed - running parallels but not starting the VM (in my case its Vista Business) has no problems. Its only during or after running the VM the sleep problem happens.
  6. Jorge Blanco

    Jorge Blanco Bit poster

    Did you ever come across a solution to your problem? I am running XP/SP3 on 4.0, and I am experiencing a similar problem with my machine (MacBook Pro) not going to sleep. Unfortunately, the condition is sporadic so it has been difficult to diagnose. Most of the time, it works fine. But, every once in a while, it won't go to sleep. Shutting down XP, and even quitting Parallels altogether doesn't solve the problem. Only a full OS X reboot solves the problem. It's mostly an annoyance, but the reliability of sleep mode on a MacBook is most definitely one of its most endearing features, and it bugs me when something is causing it not to perform at its usual 100%.
  7. HowardN

    HowardN Bit poster

    Mac sleep with parallels 4 and Leopard 10.5.8

    Before Leopard 10.5.8 my system would not sleep even with Parallels not running. After 10.5.8 sleep worked fine until I executed Parallels with my Windows XP/Pro virtual machine. Sleep doesn't work until I reboot and it fails as soon as I run Parallels. Any help is appreciated.

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