After little to no success with the betas, I have managed to get my single-port Keyspan adapter (USA-19HS) to work somewhat with the GA release. I think I still have to remove the driver from the Mac side, and I can do that using the kextunload command. There is a problem still in that the software on the client side (in this case GPS software) can only talk to the GPS once, then I have to unplug/plug the adapter to get it to work again. This might be a driver problem with Keyspan or a problem with the GPS software somehow leaving the port in a bad state, so I am not ready to blame Parallels yet

I suggest you try the following:
1: Make sure that on the WIndows side, you have loaded the correct driver for the Keyspan adapter. There are separate Windows drivers (and corresponding installers) for each device, in contrast tothe Mac which has one unified installer for all of them.
2: Before launching Parallels (or at least connecting to the USB device in Parallels), plug in the adapter, open a terminal window and type:
"sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/KeyspanUSAdriver.kext"
This will unload the driver on the Mac side to ensure that it does not compete for the device.
3: In Parallels, connect to the USB device. You should hopefuly hear the USB-conect chime in WIndows. I often hear the connect chime, then the disconect chime, then the conncet one again. The key thing is that the last chime is a connect chime.
4: Launch the Keyspan serial assistant and see if the device shows up in the list, and that it consistently shows a COM port. In the betas, it would constantly cycle between seeing the device and not.
5L If it shows up in the list constantly, then try to use your software that needs to talk to the serial device. In my experience, this only works once, so if you get an error, try unplugging-plugging the device and connecting to it (if you have auto-connect disabled).
6: When you are done with Parallels, unplug the Keyspan and type (in a terminal window)
"sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/KeyspanUSAdriver.kext"
to reload the driver on the Mac side and make the adapter available again when you plug it in.
I hope this helps. I think Parallels has a some way to go in the USB support department before I call it stable or what I would expect in a GA, but they have made enough progress to keep me from switching to boot camp and call myself a relatively happy user.
Please keep the progress coming Parallels!
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