PD4 & Boot Camp: Unable to connect to hard disk 1

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by strells, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. scottetc

    scottetc Junior Member

    spoke too soon

    Oops, posted too soon. Parallels tools is not installed correctly. No mouse sync, etc. Uninstall parallels tools. restart winblows. Reinstall parallels tools. restart winblows. Now, I am back to where I was yesterday. Hopefully next patch fixes this fun.
  2. JByron

    JByron Junior Member

    I'm having the same issue as listed above. After the upgrade of my bootcamp install, which is on seperate HD, the upgrade process switches to manual and displays the following error:

    I changed the SystemName to the path of the .hdd file and that still doesn't work. Really sad that this is happening. I guess I'll downgrade until the issue is resolved.
  3. Ynot

    Ynot Pro

    Guys, pleeeeaaase, put here report IDs! We can help you if you will post them here. But without reports it's much harder to understand what happened. Thanks.
  4. JByron

    JByron Junior Member

    Perhaps you could explain what a report ID is?
  5. Ynot

    Ynot Pro

    Oops, sorry :)

    Select "Report a problem" in the "Help" menu item, send report to the Parallels. After sending you will see report ID and write it here.
  6. JByron

    JByron Junior Member

    So, what can we do if we've already downgraded? The machine that the update failed on is a production machine and I can't be down while I wait for you guys to troubleshoot the problem.

    At home I ran the update and it worked fine. The only difference between the home configuration and the work one was that at work my bootcamp install is on a separate, dedicated hard drive. At home my HD is partitioned for bootcamp.

    Now I'd be shocked to find out that this wasn't a scenario you guys tested, but I'll bet money that if you setup a lab test where you've got bootcamp installed on a separate drive with Parallels 3.0 installed and working, once you try to upgrade you'll hit the same wall.

    If there is anything else I can do on my end just let me know. As I've said above I can't be down while you are working out the bugs in your software. If there is a way to install 3.0 and 4.0 side by side I can do that as long as it is easy to revert back to 3.0 if we can't get things resolved.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2008
  7. Ynot

    Ynot Pro

    Attach /Library/Logs/parallels.log file from your mac. That can help too.
  8. JByron

    JByron Junior Member

    I've attached my parallels.log file from the specified location.

    I had to re-name it parallels.txt because the forum tool doesn't allow for attaching of .log files. May want to change that ...

    If there is anything else I can get you just let me know.

    Attached Files:

  9. archiguy

    archiguy Bit poster

    Trying to create a New Virtual PC using the BOOTCAMP Partition.

    Problem Log report ID 11371

    Hi, I am trying to install a Windows XP SP2 machine into my Boot Camp Partition using Parallels, and it keeps coming up saying the error:
    "Failed to configure the Boot Camp partition's hard disk"

    The Boot Camp partition is mounted and I can read/write to it in Mac OS X.

    However, Parallels says in it's error dialogue "A disk configuration error has occurred. Make sure that you have read/write permissions for the disk."

    I am confused.

    I am running a brand new MacBook Pro 2.8GHz.

  10. adamklaptocz

    adamklaptocz Bit poster

    I've been having similar problems with my Boot Camp partition. Every few boots into XP I get the error "Unable to connect to Hard Disk 1", and can no longer launch XP through parallels.

    Changing the hard disk configuration from boot camp to image file, and then back to boot camp seems to work though, I can then boot again, though I get a message saying I'm booting into Boot Camp for the first time and parallels tools may take some time to install.
  11. djrod

    djrod Bit poster

    I have same problem, mi Tech ID is 11550.

    "A disk configuration error has occurred. Make sure that you have read/write permissions for the disk."

    I hope this can be solved soon!
  12. nroberts210@mac.com

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Changing to the image file picking the ~/.../Documents/Parallels/ HD volume then choosing ok.

    Then opening config again, and choosing bootcamp worked for me.
  13. Manatee

    Manatee Member

    Submitted report 12258.

  14. Adlopa

    Adlopa Bit poster

    Same problem here: Clean install of 4.0 - it detected the existing Boot Camp partition and successfully configured it. I then increased the memory and am now stuck at the "Unable to connect to hard disk 1" error. Deleting Hard disk 1 then re-adding it makes no difference.

    Edit: Switching to the image file, then back to the partition (as described a couple of posts above) seems to have fixed it, but I now can't restart or shut down the VM...
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2008
  15. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    What is happening when you shutdown VM?
  16. Adlopa

    Adlopa Bit poster

    If I select Shut down or Restart from the Win XP Start menu or Parallels Virtual Machine menu, nothing happens - I'm returned to the Windows Desktop.

    I just booted back into Boot Camp and everything is fine, but now back in the VM, I get the "Unable to connect Hard Disk 1" error again...
  17. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Try this

    Changing the hard disk configuration from boot camp to image file, and then back to boot camp seems to work
    and also perform following,
    Login to Virtual Machine, and cancel installation.
    From add/remove programs remove Parallels Tools
    Restart, cancel again, and install manually
    from Virtual machine menu, or attaching image from /Library/Parallels/Tools attach prl-tools.win.iso
  18. Adlopa

    Adlopa Bit poster

    Thanks - I'll give that a go and report back.
  19. djrod

    djrod Bit poster

    not working for me on my late 08 MBP with SSD :(
  20. Adlopa

    Adlopa Bit poster

    That seems to have fixed it. Thanks!

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