VISTA requires activation each start-up

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by WesGaige, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. MCal

    MCal Bit poster

    Well since the latest Beta my copy of Vista has asked for reauthorisation, and has now expired.... so I wasted 70 quid (uk pounds) on a 'temporary' OS..... Not happy.

    Is there something in the latest beta that makes Vista think its different hardware? I'm off back to XP and staying there.....

  2. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    I suspect the Tools have changed substantially in the new Beta, the Tools are what emulate hardware, and if Vista detects three or more hardware changes it forces a re-activation.

    That's my best guess, I had to work with a few Vista computers before, and that was enough for me.
  3. WesGaige

    WesGaige Junior Member

    Deleted ok VM setup twice and tried with two new VM setups.

    No Joy
  4. WesGaige

    WesGaige Junior Member

    I'm the man-in-the-middle. M$ says it's Parallels problem and Parallels says it's M$ problem.

    A POX on Vista.
  5. Eru Ithildur

    Eru Ithildur Forum Maven

    M$ is the one who will be able to get things working again... I suspect that since things have changed you cannot simply 'roll-back' the set-up.

    When I speak to M$, I never tell them I virtualize; but usually I have to call when I re-install the machine.

    [email protected] Member

    Think I may have the same problem. I am using Vista Ultimate on the Boot Camp partition to run VM. Everything was fine for 3 - 4 days, then this morning a window popped up telling me I may be using an illegal copy of Vista and requesting me to reactivate - I have not changed anything. In trying to reactivate over the internet, message said that Vista already installed on another computer.

    Had to ring the 1800 number and explain that I had Vista installed on only one computer and that I was using Parallels and Boot Camp. No issues in end - given new activation code over the phone.

    Wait and see if I have to reactivate again tomorrow when I boot-up. Also had another window that said that Windows Aero is not working???
  7. Stacey M

    Stacey M Parallels Team


    Parallels Desktop supports DirectX 8.1. Unfortunately, Windows Aero requires DirectX 9 to run. But 3D support will be improved in future versions of Parallels Desktop for Mac.
    Sorry for inconvenience.

    Best regards,
  8. kulld44

    kulld44 Bit poster

    a potential solution to this problem

    folks, i ended up in the same situation as everyone else. if you have previously installed parallels 3.0 and parallels tools and then do a build update with an update to parallels tools that includes driver updates (such as the recent 5582), windows vista will recognize this process as changes in computer hardware.

    from what i understand, this happens whenever drivers are updated without the use of the "update hardware" function in vista, and the operating system will automatically assume this to be a change in your system hardware. intuitively, m$ has limited the number of simultaneous hardware changes to prevent piracy of their software through drive cloning (which makes a whole lot of sense). if you have a real copy of vista (like i do), you can call them and they are quite reasonable about getting you the help you need. in fact, my experience was a really good success story for their customer service. the process took less than 5 minutes. the number that worked for me was 866-530-6599. i guess forking over the $500 or so was worth it for the full retail box version. also, their support was extended to me beyond the 90-day grace period.


    when you reboot your vista VM after doing the build update for parallels in osX, the activate windows scenario starts to happen. in this case i was running a boot camp partition. i was successful in fixing this problem by rebooting the boot camp partition (using vista) several times in native mode to clear all activation errors (because the product will still be active in native mode if you had an active genuine product before updating the parallels build in osX). let vista completely sort itself out in native mode and reboot it one last time with a full boot and a full, legitimate shut-down at the end. then boot up osX. start parallels. open your virtual machine but don't boot it. open VM configuration, and under the advanced tab of the hard disk settings, click the button that clears out all the parallels junk from your VM. then, delete that virtual machine. create a new virtual machine using your boot camp partition and let parallels tools reinstall itself.... AND ONCE YOU ARE DONE... call microsoft and let them know you need a new activation code because you have made multiple hardware changes to your machine through parallels. maybe some of this stuff was unnecessary... but who cares, it worked and others can figure out which steps are redundant.

    in order to avoid this whole mess in the future, the parallels people will probably have to design their update to parallels tools in a way that leverages the update hardware utility already present in vista.

    either way, both products are great and i enjoy using them both together. since everyone always bags on microsoft customer service, i'll also say that my last experience with them was fantastic. hopefully, the infrequent nature of that relationship will continue as such. cheers.
  9. ATXP

    ATXP Member

    I'm having this constant windows activation reminders every time I launch Parallels and start Vista Ultimate.

    Guess no fix until Parallels does something about it. Microsoft blames Parallels. If you ask me, both are equally guilty for crappy software.
  10. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

  11. ATXP

    ATXP Member

    I'm having this problem with Build 5608. On top of that, this build kinda remove my Boot Camp from the toolbar. And I have to reinstall Boot Camp drivers all over again.
  12. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Did you reinstall Parallels Tools, in Windows Vista?
  13. ATXP

    ATXP Member

    Yes, did a clean install of Parallels after following your instructions which you did miss out on uninstalling Parallels Tools which I did.

    Now, an old problem returns! It's like WTF! The issue is Windows XP didn't shutdown properly message when I'm using Vista Ultimate. Yes, the issue appeared immediately after the first shutdown of the reinstall.

    I know I fix the issue before but it will lead me to call Microsoft for a reactivation. And I hate calling Microsoft because they make me feel like a software pirate even I have more original license of Vista Ultimate than Leopard!!!

    To be honest, Parallels needs to fix this breaking activation thingy. I have VMWare Fusion on another Mac with almost very similar setup and I hardly gets product activation issue when I have new hardware or software.
  14. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    ATXP, can you please either create ticket, or give me following logs privately

    * Parallels Desktop version and build: Parallels Desktop- -> About Parallels Desktop
    * an XML file with a copy of system profile: Applications --> Utilities --> System Profiler --> File --> Save as
    * Guest OS full version with SP included (if they are);
    * a copy of /home/<username>/Documents/Parallels/<VM name>/<GuestVM>.pvs
    * Archive of /Library/Parallels/bugreports/ (right click on folder --> Create Archive)
    or ~/Library/Parallels/bugreports/

    * /Library/Logs/panic.log
    or ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Parallels.crash.log from the Mac side;
  15. kristianmartin

    kristianmartin Member

    Solution to this?

    What was the resulting solution to this? I am sure others would like to know as I am one such individual myself. Thanks.

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