Cannot install Parallels Tools on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy)

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by The Belgain, Jan 16, 2008.

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  1. rm53

    rm53 Member

    this is not true, VMW Fusion 2 beta *can* run Ubunty Hardy Heron 8.04 *with* VMWare Tools. I have it running here on my MacBook.
  2. motsteve

    motsteve Bit poster

    I am not going to throw away the safety of my vm's by going from my released Fusion 1 tool that works fantastically well except for the tools part, so that Hardy can run with tools. When they take the word beta out of the Fusion 2 version description, I'll switch to it. Which brings up the excellent point that one of the previous posters had and that is that the users shouldn't have to wait for major changes in the vm managers or distro's to have their vmware or Parallels tools working. The users should be arguing over features offered in the vm managers and not over whether they should be running their OS on a real machine instead of in a vm.
  3. ZeeG

    ZeeG Member

    The new version of Parallels has released today, and this issue has not been resolved - or is it just me? :(
  4. altoclef

    altoclef Bit poster

    Does not install under build 5600 either

    You're absolutely right. While trying to install the Parallels Tools, Build 5600 still crashes and burns on the same error:

    Found xorg version .
    Installation for xorg.. not found.

    Terrific. Just great.
    Last edited: May 9, 2008
  5. keltorsori

    keltorsori Junior Member

    Actually VMWare Fusion 2 beta tools work great with Ubuntu 8.04. Too bad Parallels can't release anything that works. I'm a paid Parallels customer since the first preview releases, and I'm switching my company to Fusion when 2.0 is released.
  6. dexter

    dexter Bit poster

    Virtual Box 1.6 works with Ubuntu 8.04, from what I can tell. Virtual Box is free, too.
  7. persrap

    persrap Bit poster

    Ubuntu Hardy Parallels Alternative

    Instead of Parallels you can use VirtualBox which works on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy and it can be downloaded here:

    And ITS FREE!
  8. The Belgain

    The Belgain Bit poster

    Seems surprising that they haven't added support for Ubuntu 8.04 (and other recent Linux distros here). Looks like their focus is very much just on Windows and Windows gaming from the latest changelog. Which is odd for a VM company.

    Feels like time to look elsewhere methinks...
  9. trolley

    trolley Member

    I'm pretty disappointed too...
  10. CaptSaltyJack

    CaptSaltyJack Member

    I guess I'm not 100% clear on what you guys are talking about. I downloaded Ubuntu 8.04, created a new virtual machine in Parallels, and was able to install Ubuntu and boot into it just fine. It also seems to work with no problems. It seems the issue is that the Parallels Tools won't install. I don't think I've ever even used that, what value does it add to the Linux installation?
    Last edited: May 15, 2008
  11. trolley

    trolley Member

    Without them you can't move your mouse back and forth from OS X to Ubuntu without using the keyboard to release the cursor from the VM, you can't adjust the screen resolution, shared folders, etc.
  12. CaptSaltyJack

    CaptSaltyJack Member

    Ahhh, I see. I suppose those aren't deal-breakers for me, though I can see how it would annoy some people, especially those who were used to it before.

    Hope they fix it soon!
  13. viskovitz

    viskovitz Bit poster

    Cut & paste to and from the VM...

    [email protected] Bit poster

    Vote for parallels tools for Ubuntu 8.04

    I too have a need for parallels tools. 8.04 installed, but the screen resolution is so small that it is unusable for the application I need to use.

    How about a an estimated date?

    Unfortunately I did not save an image of 7.10.

    Live and learn, I guess.
  15. Bernhard.parallels

    Bernhard.parallels Member

    4 months since the first request to have Parallels Tools for v8.04 and 9,000 views to this thread there is no indication by Parallels that they want to resolve it.

  16. orion2087

    orion2087 Bit poster

    Wishing Parallels would update us here. I've been playing with VMWare Fusion and a switch is starting to look like a good idea.
  17. Bernhard.parallels

    Bernhard.parallels Member

    Orion, I think "wishing" is all we can do. And, looking at other "wishes" it is unlikely to help.

    Sad thing.

    I had Linux Mint as my second choice for a VM. Outcome? It did not work either.

    The install of Ubuntu 8.04 went through in VirtualBox as easy as pie. But of course, this does not help as VirtualBox and Parallels are incompatible. First time ever that I a Kernel Panic on Max OS.

    And any help on this whole situation? How about an official list by Parallels of Linux distributions that are officially/reliably support? NO, Parallels seems to be above that.

    Any help on updated Parallels Tools. No, Parallels seems to be above that.

    And all such things seem unlikely to happen with VMWare. You can even download preconfigured machines on both Ubuntu 8.05 and Mint 4.0.

    Parallels just does not want us to be their customers.

    I am just sad to be disponded.
  18. Sven.Luetkemeier

    Sven.Luetkemeier Junior Member

    Supported Linux distributions

    Some kind of list is part of the User Guide (p. 15). It lists the following, but older distributions:

    Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 5, 4, 3
    Red Hat® Linux 9, 8, 7.3
    Debian® Linux 4.0, 3.1
    FedoraTM Core Linux 6, 5, 4, 3; FedoraTM 7
    SUSE® Linux 10.2, 10.1, 10.0, 9.3, 9.2, 9.1, 9.0
    MandrakeTM Linux 10.1, 10, 9.2
    Mandriva Linux 2007
    Ubuntu® Linux 7.04, 6.10, 6.06, 5.04
    Xandros Busines 4.0
    CentOS 5
  19. jimcoyle

    jimcoyle Hunter

    It does list this, yes, but their press releases and indeed even the blurb for the most recent version says that Parallels 3.0 supports ANY distribution of Linux. It may indeed allow for the installation of any distribution, but clearly, Parallels Tools does NOT support any distribution.
  20. Bernhard.parallels

    Bernhard.parallels Member

    Hi Sven,
    it is very kind of to post this list and it does give some kind of orientation.
    But as you remarked it contains older distributions. And since it is not up to date, no one can let Parallels off the hook here. Especially in light of the fact that Mint Linux is listed as number 5, and Ubuntu even as number 1 on DistroWatch showing the most popular distros there.

    I think we can all expect Paralllels to do more, and even to do the same as VMWare, if their care for their customers.
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